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[gnugo-devel] debugboard bug fixes

From: Andy Olsen
Subject: [gnugo-devel] debugboard bug fixes
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 00:21:20 -0600

Hi, I was playing with the debugboard program, but I noticed it has 2 problems:
1. It was always showing a completely empty board.  I fixed this by moving the gameinfo_play_sgftree() call to be later in main.c.  Possibly the reset_engine() call is clearing the board?  I didn't investigate further since the problem went away after my change.  Looks like no one is really using this program since this bug means it's pretty much worthless and it's been in there at least since 3.2.  :-)
2. An assertion fails when you try to show dragon information on an empty point.  I added code to handle this case.
See below the diffs for main.c and gui.c, I started from the 3.3.11 tar file.  I'm new at this, I don't know what procedures I should be following, let me know!
- Andy Olsen
--- main.c 2002-10-20 09:11:54.000000000 -0500
+++ /home/Andy/main.c 2002-10-30 00:00:28.000000000 -0600
@@ -116,10 +116,6 @@
   fusekidb = 1;
   josekidb = 1;
-  gameinfo_clear(&gameinfo, 19, 5.5);
-  next = gameinfo_play_sgftree(&gameinfo, &sgftree, until);
   /* Check if there is enough screen space. */
   if (!display_init(MINWIDTH, MINHEIGHT, board_size))
@@ -129,6 +125,9 @@
+  gameinfo_clear(&gameinfo, 19, 5.5);
+  next = gameinfo_play_sgftree(&gameinfo, &sgftree, until);
   display_message("Hit 'h' for help!");
--- gui.c 2002-09-26 15:28:09.000000000 -0500
+++ /home/Andy/gui.c 2002-10-30 00:00:31.000000000 -0600
@@ -228,88 +228,125 @@
   wmove(info_window, 1, 2);
   gg_wprintw(info_window, "%3s: %5s dragon ",
       location_to_string(pos), color_to_string(d->color));
-  gg_wprintw(info_window, "(origin %s)  id %d   ",
-      location_to_string(d->origin), d->id);
-  wmove(info_window, 3, 16);
-  gg_wprintw(info_window, "%3d  %5.3f ", d->size, d->effective_size);
+  if ( board[pos] == EMPTY ) {
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "                      ");
+    wmove(info_window, 3, 16);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "            ");
 #if 0
-  wmove(info_window, 8, 18);
-  if (board[pos] == EMPTY)
-    gg_wprintw(info_window, "    ", d2->heyes);
-  else
-    gg_wprintw(info_window, "%d  ", d2->heyes);
-  wmove(info_window, 8, 21);
-  if (board[pos] != EMPTY && d2->heyes > 0)
-    gg_wprintw(info_window, "[%s] ", location_to_string(d2->heye));
-  else
-    gg_wprintw(info_window, "[---]");
-  wmove(info_window, 9, 18);
-  gg_wprintw(info_window, "%d  ", d2->genus);
+    /* heyes printing code removed */
-  wmove(info_window, 10, 18);
-  gg_wprintw(info_window, "%d  ",
-      board[pos] == EMPTY ? 0 : d2->escape_route);
-  wmove(info_window, 11, 18);
-  if (d2->lunch == NO_MOVE)
+    wmove(info_window, 10, 18);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "0  ");
+    wmove(info_window, 11, 18);
     gg_wprintw(info_window, "---");
-  else
-    gg_wprintw(info_window, "%3s", location_to_string(d2->lunch));
-  /* status */
-  wmove(info_window, 3, 55);
-  gg_wprintw(info_window, "%s     ", status_to_string(d->crude_status));
+    /* status */
+    wmove(info_window, 3, 55);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "          ");
+    /* owl status */
+    wmove(info_window, 4, 55);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "            [---] [---]");
+    wmove(info_window, 5, 55);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "            [---] [---]");
+    wmove(info_window, 6, 55);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "          ");
+    wmove(info_window, 9, 55);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "                 ");
+    wmove(info_window, 10, 55);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "0  ");
+    wmove(info_window, 11, 55);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "0  ");
+  } else {
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "(origin %s)  id %d   ",
+               location_to_string(d->origin), d->id);
-  /* owl status */
-  wmove(info_window, 4, 55);
-  gg_wprintw(info_window, "%-12s", status_to_string(d->owl_status));
-  if (d->owl_attack_point == NO_MOVE)
-    gg_wprintw(info_window, "[---] ");
-  else
-    gg_wprintw(info_window, "[%3s] ",
-        location_to_string(d->owl_attack_point));
-  if (d->owl_defense_point == NO_MOVE)
-    gg_wprintw(info_window, "[---] ");
-  else
-    gg_wprintw(info_window, "[%3s] ",
-        location_to_string(d->owl_defense_point));
+    wmove(info_window, 3, 16);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "%3d  %5.3f ", d->size, d->effective_size);
-  wmove(info_window, 5, 55);
-  switch (d->owl_threat_status) {
-  case DEAD:
-  case ALIVE:
-    gg_wprintw(info_window, "%-12s[---] [---]",
-        status_to_string(d->owl_threat_status));
-    break;
-  case UNCHECKED:
-    gg_wprintw(info_window, "unchecked   [---] [---]");
-    break;
-    gg_wprintw(info_window, "att. threat [%3s] [---]",
-        location_to_string(d->owl_second_attack_point));
-    break;
-    gg_wprintw(info_window, "def. threat [---] [%3s]",
-        location_to_string(d->owl_second_defense_point));
-    break;
-  default:
-    gg_wprintw(info_window, "Error: %3d  [---] [---]", d->owl_threat_status);
-    break;
-  }
+#if 0
+    wmove(info_window, 8, 18);
+    if (board[pos] == EMPTY)
+      gg_wprintw(info_window, "    ", d2->heyes);
+    else
+      gg_wprintw(info_window, "%d  ", d2->heyes);
+    wmove(info_window, 8, 21);
+    if (board[pos] != EMPTY && d2->heyes > 0)
+      gg_wprintw(info_window, "[%s] ", location_to_string(d2->heye));
+    else
+      gg_wprintw(info_window, "[---]");
-  wmove(info_window, 6, 55);
-  gg_wprintw(info_window, "%s     ", status_to_string(d->status));
+    wmove(info_window, 9, 18);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "%d  ", d2->genus);
-  wmove(info_window, 8, 55);
-  wmove(info_window, 9, 55);
-  gg_wprintw(info_window, "%s     ", safety_to_string(d2->safety));
-  wmove(info_window, 10, 55);
-  gg_wprintw(info_window, "%d  ", d2->semeai);
+    wmove(info_window, 10, 18);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "%d  ",
+               board[pos] == EMPTY ? 0 : d2->escape_route);
+    wmove(info_window, 11, 18);
+    if (d2->lunch == NO_MOVE)
+      gg_wprintw(info_window, "---");
+    else
+      gg_wprintw(info_window, "%3s", location_to_string(d2->lunch));
+    /* status */
+    wmove(info_window, 3, 55);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "%s     ", status_to_string(d->crude_status));
+    /* owl status */
+    wmove(info_window, 4, 55);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "%-12s", status_to_string(d->owl_status));
+    if (d->owl_attack_point == NO_MOVE)
+      gg_wprintw(info_window, "[---] ");
+    else
+      gg_wprintw(info_window, "[%3s] ",
+                 location_to_string(d->owl_attack_point));
+    if (d->owl_defense_point == NO_MOVE)
+      gg_wprintw(info_window, "[---] ");
+    else
+      gg_wprintw(info_window, "[%3s] ",
+                 location_to_string(d->owl_defense_point));
+    wmove(info_window, 5, 55);
+    switch (d->owl_threat_status) {
+    case DEAD:
+    case ALIVE:
+      gg_wprintw(info_window, "%-12s[---] [---]",
+                 status_to_string(d->owl_threat_status));
+      break;
+    case UNCHECKED:
+      gg_wprintw(info_window, "unchecked   [---] [---]");
+      break;
+      gg_wprintw(info_window, "att. threat [%3s] [---]",
+                 location_to_string(d->owl_second_attack_point));
+      break;
+      gg_wprintw(info_window, "def. threat [---] [%3s]",
+                 location_to_string(d->owl_second_defense_point));
+      break;
+    default:
+      gg_wprintw(info_window, "Error: %3d  [---] [---]", d->owl_threat_status);
+      break;
+    }
+    wmove(info_window, 6, 55);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "%s     ", status_to_string(d->status));
+    wmove(info_window, 9, 55);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "%s     ", safety_to_string(d2->safety));
+    wmove(info_window, 10, 55);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "%d  ", d2->semeai);
-  wmove(info_window, 11, 55);
-  gg_wprintw(info_window, "%d  ", d2->semeai_margin_of_safety);
+    wmove(info_window, 11, 55);
+    gg_wprintw(info_window, "%d  ", d2->semeai_margin_of_safety);
+  }

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