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[gnugo-devel] Adding full sgf printing command to gtp mode

From: David Hashe
Subject: [gnugo-devel] Adding full sgf printing command to gtp mode
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2014 12:53:01 -0600


I am working on a "dumb" gui that communicates with GNU Go over gtp. To save games between sessions, I have used loadsgf and printsgf. This is not ideal because printsgf does not save move history, which causes practical issues for playing games over multiple sessions.

To resolve this issue, I have added a new gtp command: printfullsgf, which produces output more similar to the ascii mode "save" command.

I am posting this here because 1) I would like to contribute more in the future, and understand that I may need to submit a copyright assignment form before my changes could be incorporated, and 2) I have seen a similar post ignored in the mailing list, so I assume that this is the preferred place for them. Please correct me if either of these is false.

Please find attached a patch implementing printfullsgf.

David Hashe

Attachment: printfullsgf.patch
Description: Text Data

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