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Re: CVS checkout trouble

From: Victor Engmark
Subject: Re: CVS checkout trouble
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 15:17:38 +0100

On 2/28/07, David Paleino <address@hidden> wrote:
Victor Engmark ha scritto:
> Not good - I still get the same message. CVSROOT
> :ext:address@hidden:/sources/gnuherds-app, 1 registered
> public key, Pageant running with private key.

I can confirm you're in the group (I'm a project administrator too).

What's that Pageant btw? I believe it's somewhat involved in your
"checkout inability".

Pageant is an SSH authentication agent. It's used by TortoiseCVS to send the public key e.g. when requesting :ext: CVSROOTs.

Victor Engmark
Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum viditar - What is said in Latin, sounds profound
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