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Re: "GPL v3" compatible with "Affero GPL"

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: "GPL v3" compatible with "Affero GPL"
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2007 02:12:26 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

Davi Leal wrote:
> Affero GPL is not perfect but can serve us temporally.


> I hope GPL v3 be released soon, so we can relicense.

As "GPL v3" will be compatible with "Affero GPL", I hope moving
to "GPL v3" will be very soft.

RMS talks:

  "The Affero GPL ... is basically GNU GPL version two,
   plus one additional requirement which says if you use
   the software publicly on a website, then you've got to
   give the users of the site a way to download the source
   code you're running. ...

   The basic idea is that for those developing software
   meant for use in this way, on servers, they want those
   who publicly deploy modified versions to contribute
   their code back to the community.

   When we advised Affero on releasing this licence, we
   had the intention of making a future GPL version
   compatible with it and this is how we're going to
   achieve it."


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