Victor Engmark wrote:
> I believe the default behavior when there is
> no @target is the same as using _self.
What do you think about overriding such default "_self" with a
default "_top"?, as a measure to try to avoid GNU Herds being embedded into
others frames. It is cheaper on bytes.
It's not fewer bytes, because you don't have to specify target="_self" - It's the default behavior. WRT the legality of including our website as a frame, I think we can deny that in any and all jurisdictions with a copyright addition.
By the way, do any other F/OSS pages do this? I had a look at the Emacs, Vim, Pidgin (aka. GAIM), jEdit, Firefox, and GNU man official pages, and none of them use target="_top". I didn't have time to look through all their _javascript_, but at least the Firefox one doesn't seem to do any frames detection.
I think we must even keep the _javascript_ which add the other measure to try to
avoid it.
I think they are both good measures. Now, using @target at BASE is cheaper on
bytes. What do you think Victor?
P.S.: Sorry for talking about this again. I just write what I think.