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Re: avoid to embed

From: Victor Engmark
Subject: Re: avoid to embed
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 09:00:51 +0200

On 4/15/07, Davi Leal <address@hidden> wrote:
Victor Engmark wrote:
> I believe the default behavior when there is
> no @target is the same as using _self.

What do you think about overriding such default "_self" with a
default "_top"?, as a measure to try to avoid GNU Herds being embedded into
others frames.  It is cheaper on bytes.

It's not fewer bytes, because you don't have to specify target="_self" - It's the default behavior. WRT the legality of including our website as a frame, I think we can deny that in any and all jurisdictions with a copyright addition.

By the way, do any other F/OSS pages do this? I had a look at the Emacs, Vim, Pidgin (aka. GAIM), jEdit, Firefox, and GNU man official pages, and none of them use target="_top". I didn't have time to look through all their _javascript_, but at least the Firefox one doesn't seem to do any frames detection.

I think we must even keep the _javascript_ which add the other measure to try to
avoid it.

I think they are both good measures. Now, using @target at BASE is cheaper on
bytes. What do you think Victor?

P.S.: Sorry for talking about this again. I just write what I think.

I don't think it's a concern worth neither development time nor any number of bytes for every single page load. Even hugely popular pages (mentioned above) don't use this - If these had been useful and necessary measures, I believe they would have used them. I'm pretty sure the really unscrupulous would have no problem breaking the law. IANAL, but anyone copying our markup will have to use the same license on their page to avoid breaking the law. If anyone is spidering or copy-dumping our markup in a big way (causing a lot of unwanted traffic), that's something we can fix with .htaccess rules. Anyway, those are concerns that I believe will arise only when (if ever) we have thousands of users. Right now we have to get the service to the legitimate users right.

Victor Engmark
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur - What is said in Latin, sounds profound
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