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Re: Missing instruction in dev. env. howto?

From: Victor Engmark
Subject: Re: Missing instruction in dev. env. howto?
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 11:43:35 +0200

On 4/13/07, Davi Leal <address@hidden> wrote:
Victor Engmark wrote:
> Now I'm getting the following warning + error:

> *Warning*: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
> (output started at
> /usr/home/gnuherds-app/Layer-5__DB_operation/PostgreSQL.php:81) in *
> /usr/home/gnuherds-app/Layer-2__Business_logic/others/Language_form.php* on
> line *190*
> This comes from a setcookie in Language_form.php, but I don't know where
> it's been set before that.

I think that is related to the wrong configuration of the PHP's output buffer.
Some of the options exposed at the below file could be mistaken at you host:

I've copied that file verbatim, only modifying the path to fit the local configuration. Maybe this warning is default in the PHP version I'm using ( 5.2.1) and not in the one at

> *Fatal error*: Smarty error: [in header.tpl line 46]: syntax error:
> unrecognized tag 't' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 590) in *
> /usr/local/share/smarty/Smarty.class.php* on line *1095*****

> Do you know what's causing this? Maybe I've got the wrong version of Smarty
> (2.6.18), or something.

Install: Smarty-Gettext

At the Debian etch box we have installed Smarty-Gettext by hand, adding the
below file to:


I attach the file we are using at production. Let the email-list know if you
have more problems, because maybe we miss something.

Ah, done. Now I can see the pages, but the warning mentioned above shows up on each page.


Victor Engmark
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur - What is said in Latin, sounds profound
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