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Fwd: I want more <div>s to work on :)

From: Victor Engmark
Subject: Fwd: I want more <div>s to work on :)
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 17:42:01 +0200

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From: Victor Engmark < address@hidden>
Date: Apr 17, 2007 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: I want more <div>s to work on :)
To: Davi Leal <address@hidden>
Cc: address@hidden

On 4/17/07, Davi Leal <address@hidden > wrote:
Victor Engmark wrote:
>    - Markup comments which are not for users (such as "XXX Update this
>    image") should probably be code comments or Savannah tasks instead.

I think this one ""XXX Update this image" should be a Savannah task with
very very low priority, and to be realized after the Klaus' architecture
moves to production. To avoid duplication of work.

There were others; it's just that they take up unnecessary space in the HTML. 

>    - Removed "Back to top" links - From what I see around the web, these
>    are not much used. Also makes for less text.

I use they a lot on FireFox, and they are essential on mobile devices to
avoid scrolling!.  I have read it in one of the links you have posted.


>    - Tried to make some of the text more terse. It should have the same
>    information content, but should be reviewed.

I will check it. If it has the same information, I think we will not have
to change the translations of that english sentences again. :)

It's the same information, but in some cases very different text. Shorter though, so the overhead should pay back via smaller markup and less translation for other languages. By the way, isn't it a good idea to wait with the translation until the site text is stable, to avoid inertia in changing when that's needed?

>    - Used AFAIK more semantically correct quote signs, apostrophes, and
>    such, copied from the XHTML Character Entity

Is it needed?. The server is sending UTF-8?. Anyway, it is truth that at
URL links I had to add  &amp;  to pass the validator.

&amp; is a different story - You can't have "&" anywhere without breaking the markup. Apostrophe, back-tick, ellipsis, and others are not special characters in HTML.

By the way, it turns out I used the wrong character for apostrophe :( Could you replace all instances of "`" with "'" (just copy it from this text - It should be the right character)? Thanks!

>    - It would be great if someone has a better link to a howto for
>    ssh-agent.

Please, if you can, add a Savannah task to take note of it.


>    - Maybe we should split the page into several? I'd suggest the
>      following structure:
>      - Introduction
>      - Installation and configuration
>      - Help / other

I disagree. The page is large, but with "Back to top" it will be OK, as
the current one.

It's not so much about just the size, more about grouping information according to usage. But it's not a big deal; on an end-user page this would be a lot more serious.

Note:  About the UTF-8 section, I think we must just advice to install and
use UTF-8 as de default encoding in the system.  So the developers get
less troubles.

I agree - Developers should be able to configure this (maybe we could include a link to a tutorial or something), and specific instructions won't work on all platforms.

Victor Engmark
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur - What is said in Latin, sounds profound

Victor Engmark
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur - What is said in Latin, sounds profound
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