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Re: GNU Herds' HTML 4.01 Strict + CSS. -- current state

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: GNU Herds' HTML 4.01 Strict + CSS. -- current state
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2007 06:44:27 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

Antenore Gatta wrote:
> * I (antenore) start a new div's layout trying to keep/modify the original.


> * Sameer starts from scratch a new div's layout.


  The Sameer's work expose some look & feel improvements, and along the
  Sameer's conversation some good ideas have raised.

> * Someone else seems to work on a new div's layout as well.
> * Andrew would like to start from scratch as well.

All guys included in the "To" have contributed or exposed the desire to 
realize or contribute to the HTML-CSS task.

> it would be more convenient to organize better the job.
> More focus on small tasks (divide et impera)...

There are two sub-task types:

  1) Figure out how to _fit together_ all the main <div>s.
     Please, see the next link and comment if it is needed:

     Note: That is what Antenore and Sameer have been trying to do.

  2) Convert each <div> content to HTML 4.01 Strict, for heading,
     menu, ... and the content of each page.

     Victor and me has already done something which you can see at:
     We could just merge it with the current web pages state.

All sub-tasks can be done in parallel. Although the main one is (1), which as 
you already know is the more difficult to figure out.

> Maybe we could use the base layout realized by Sameer and subdivide all the
> div's between us. So for example someone (who wants) could work just on the
> menu, after Sameer and/or me (and others also) could merge the div's menu
> in the full layout... Steps by steps?

I agree with you, Antenore. We could work as a team.

That was the plan when we proposed work on a "Save as" copy of the HTML code 
of the home page to realize the (1) sub-task, and later the (2) sub-tasks.

As exposed above there are already some <div>s done, for example:
Only some pages were processed, and some of them are now out of sync respect 
to the current state. You can see:


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