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Re: [Gnumed-devel] BMI Calculator

From: Christof Meigen
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] BMI Calculator
Date: 09 Jun 2002 13:27:02 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/21.1


i have just recently subscribed to this list and not even downloaded
the code from cvs, so i might be missing a lot. But what i see from
the code, i would like to point out that which bmi is considered
overweight, normal etc. does strongly depend both on age but also on
normcurves for the population in question.

For example, the 50. centile for bmi for german boys at the age of six
is about 15.5 according to a recent study by Mrs. Kromeyer-Hausschild.
This value would be much too small for an adult, of course.

The reason for this, among others, is that weight is not ~height^2 but
height^2.2 or so, with the power changing with the age.

I do not know how much the whole matter of growth curves for different
populations, including bmi- and weight curves and growth- und
bmi-development patterns (aka "growth tracks") has been incorporated
into gnumed, but this is surely an important point esp.  for

I would be happy to contribute in that area, but i'm still a python
newbie an haven't look at the gnumed source yet.


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