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Fwd: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Normcurves ... still alive

From: richard terry
Subject: Fwd: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Normcurves ... still alive
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2002 18:15:59 +1000
User-agent: KMail/1.4.1

Christof, can I ask you a dumb question.

Are you preparing the data so that it will exist in a database table which we
can then load to produce say centrile charts like the have in the surgery e.g
ages 0-2, 2-18 male/female etc?

I have to start thinking how we are going to integrate the presentation of
 the various graphs needed in medicine into the gui.


On Wednesday 07 August 2002 7:33 pm, Christof Meigen wrote:
> Hi,
> Hilmar Berger <address@hidden> writes:
> > I think it would be nice to have norms not only for metric but for
> > categorial data, too (e.g. hematocrit in males / females). That might
> > facilitate age/height-independent norms in different ethnic groups or
> > patients under different conditions. Is this already possible within the
> > current design ?
> What do you mean by age/height-independent norms?
> Right now, the values that get checked by norms have to be numbers.
> But keep in mind, this covers all ordered categrories like
> status of puberty or volume of the testicles.
> Haematocrit-Values are float numbers between 0 and 1 (or
> 0% and 100%), what's your point?
> I am not aware of a reasoable example that is not covered by this
> approach.
> A different question is in how far it should be automatised that
> norms apply just to certain categories of patients, for example
> there are age/height normcurves for Turner-children etc., plus
> the whole ethnic question.
> I raised this issue a while ago with no reaction. My personal
> opinion is that the physician should choose the norm that has to
> be applied himself, since it is impossible to cover all the
> special cases, and we don't have norms for each case,
> like, a Prader-Labhard child with a vietnamese mother
> and a swedish father.
>         Christof
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