create table ATC ( code char(8) primary key, description text ); comment on table ATC is 'ATC code ('; create table drug ( id serial primary key, ATC char(8), compound boolean default 'f', INN varchar(255) ); comment on table drug is 'a drug may consist of either a single or multiple active ingredients'; comment on column drug.ATC is 'ATC code ('; comment on column drug.compound is '"t" if this drug consist of multiple active ingredients, else "f"'; comment on column drug.INN is 'international non-proprietary name = generic name. Other names see table names_drug'; create table drug_components ( id_drug integer references drug(id), id_component integer references drug(id) ); comment on table compound_drug is 'many-2-many pivot table linking components of a compound drug.'; comment on column drug_components.id_drug is 'id of the dominant component, or of the alphabetically first on if there is no dominant component'; comment on column drug_components.id_component is 'id of a component of ths drug'; create table names_drug( country char(2), id_drug integer references drug(id), name varchar(255) ); comment on table names_drug is 'allows to allocate country specific synonyms to a drug name'; comment on column is 'Two character ISO country code';