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[Gnumed-devel] social history

From: Elizabeth Dodd
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] social history
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 17:48:40 +1000
User-agent: KMail/1.5

I looked at Google for more ideas on what could be construed as Social
history. I got one more item that Richard and I hadn´t already noted, which
was diet.
I found that the medical sites discussed ¨social history¨ without any
explanation. Frequently it stated ¨take a social history" with a variant
called ¨psychosocial history¨.
I seem to have a 500 page text called ¨Individual, Society and Health
Behaviour¨ by Knutsen, but it, like me, dates from many years ago, and I
don´t have the inclination to reread the book at all.
It is a shame that much of these parts of medicine are poorly documented.

Win98 error 003: Illegal ASM instruction. If your modem worked properly, the
FBI would have been called.

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