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[Gnumed-devel] re: clinical window notebook

From: syan tan
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] re: clinical window notebook
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 11:28:39 +1100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030313

I diffed my working server and client directories and it should be working. Try diffing the server and client directories to see if
they are upto date.

Diff output follows:

address@hidden server]$ export CVS_RSH=ssh;cvs -z3 -d address@hidden:/cvsroot/gnumed diff
Enter passphrase for RSA key '/home/sjtan/.ssh/identity':
Warning: Remote host denied X11 forwarding.
? bootstrap/Psql.pyc
? bootstrap/audit-trail-schema.sql
? bootstrap/gmAuditSchemaGenerator.pyc
? bootstrap/gmScoringSchemaGenerator.pyc
? bootstrap/out
? bootstrap/pgdata-old
? sql/grants-clinical.sql
cvs server: Diffing .
cvs server: Diffing bootstrap
Index: bootstrap/
RCS file: /cvsroot/gnumed/gnumed/gnumed/server/bootstrap/,v
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -r1.37
cvs server: cannot find bootstrap/bootstrap-standard-AU.conf
cvs server: Diffing php
cvs server: Diffing sql
Index: sql/gmDemographics-Person-views.sql
RCS file: /cvsroot/gnumed/gnumed/gnumed/server/sql/gmDemographics-Person-views.sql,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -r1.2 gmDemographics-Person-views.sql
< \unset ON_ERROR_STOP
< drop function new_pupic();
< \set ON_ERROR_STOP 1
> -- \unset ON_ERROR_STOP
> -- drop function new_pupic();
> -- \set ON_ERROR_STOP 1
< \unset ON_ERROR_STOP
< drop view v_basic_person;
< \set ON_ERROR_STOP 1
> --\set ON_ERROR_STOP 0
> --drop view v_basic_person;
> --\set ON_ERROR_STOP 1
cvs server: Diffing sql/country.specific
cvs server: Diffing sql/country.specific/au
cvs server: Diffing sql/country.specific/de
cvs server: Diffing utils
cvs server: Diffing x_db_fk_verifier
address@hidden server]$ cd ../cl
client client.bak.a.tar.gz client.bak.b.tgz client-old client-update
address@hidden server]$ cd ../client/
address@hidden client]$ export CVS_RSH=ssh;cvs -z3 -d address@hidden:/cvsroot/gnumed diff
Enter passphrase for RSA key '/home/sjtan/.ssh/identity':
Warning: Remote host denied X11 forwarding.
? editarea.yaml
? log
? log.txt
? wxpython-bak
? business/
? business/
? business/gmAllergies.pyc
? business/gmClinicalRecord.pyc
? business/gmDemographicRecord.pyc
? business/gmEditAreaFacade.pyc
? business/gmKVK.pyc
? business/gmMedDoc.pyc
? business/,v
? business/gmPastHistory.pyc
? business/gmPatient.pyc
? business/gmTmpPatient.pyc
? business/gmXdtMappings.pyc
? business/vacc_description.txt
? python-common/gmBackendListener.pyc
? python-common/gmBorg.pyc
? python-common/gmCLI.pyc
? python-common/gmCachedAddress.pyc
? python-common/gmCachedPerson.pyc
? python-common/gmCfg.pyc
? python-common/gmConfigCommon.pyc
? python-common/gmDBCache.pyc
? python-common/gmDataPanelMixin.pyc
? python-common/gmDbObject.pyc
? python-common/gmDispatcher.pyc
? python-common/gmDrugObject.pyc
? python-common/gmDrugView.pyc
? python-common/gmExceptions.pyc
? python-common/gmGuiBroker.pyc
? python-common/gmI18N.pyc
? python-common/gmLog.pyc
? python-common/gmLoginInfo.pyc
? python-common/gmMatchProvider.pyc
? python-common/gmMimeLib.pyc
? python-common/gmPG.pyc
? python-common/gmPatientNameQuery.pyc
? python-common/gmPlugin.pyc
? python-common/gmSignals.pyc
? python-common/gmWhoAmI.pyc
? wxpython/1
? wxpython/au_vaccine.sql
? wxpython/data.sql
? wxpython/gmCryptoText.pyc
? wxpython/
? wxpython/gmDateTimeInput.pyc
? wxpython/gmDemographics.pyc
? wxpython/gmEMRTextDump.pyc
? wxpython/gmEditArea.pyc
? wxpython/gmGP_ActiveProblems.pyc
? wxpython/gmGP_FamilyHistorySummary.pyc
? wxpython/gmGP_HabitsRiskFactors.pyc
? wxpython/gmGP_Inbox.pyc
? wxpython/gmGP_PatientPicture.pyc
? wxpython/gmGP_SocialHistory.pyc
? wxpython/gmGuiElement_AlertCaptionPanel.pyc
? wxpython/gmGuiElement_DividerCaptionPanel.pyc
? wxpython/gmGuiElement_HeadingCaptionPanel.pyc
? wxpython/gmGuiHelpers.pyc
? wxpython/gmGuiMain.pyc
? wxpython/gmLabels.pyc
? wxpython/gmListCtrlMapper.pyc
? wxpython/gmLogin.pyc
? wxpython/gmLoginDialog.pyc
? wxpython/gmMultiColumnList.pyc
? wxpython/gmPatientHolder.pyc
? wxpython/gmPatientSelector.pyc
? wxpython/
? wxpython/gmPhraseWheel.pyc
? wxpython/gmSQLListControl.pyc
? wxpython/gmSQLSimpleSearch.pyc
? wxpython/gmSelectPerson.pyc
? wxpython/gmShadow.pyc
? wxpython/gmSingleBoxSOAP.pyc
? wxpython/gmTopPanel.pyc
? wxpython/images.pyc
? wxpython/images_Archive_plugin.pyc
? wxpython/images_Archive_plugin1.pyc
? wxpython/images_contacts_toolbar16_16.pyc
? wxpython/images_for_gnumed_browser16_16.pyc
? wxpython/images_gnuMedGP_Toolbar.pyc
? wxpython/sel.sql
? wxpython/vacc_route.sql
? wxpython/gui/__init__.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmClinicalWindowManager.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmConfigRegistry.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmContacts.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmDemographicsEditor.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmDrugDisplay.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmEMRTextDumpPlugin.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmGuidelines.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmLock.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmManual.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmOffice.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmPython.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmSQL.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmShowMedDocs.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmSingleBoxSoapPlugin.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmSnellen.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmStikoBrowser.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmXdtViewer.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmplNbPatientSelector.pyc
? wxpython/gui/gmplNbSchedule.pyc
? wxpython/patient/__init__.pyc
? wxpython/patient/gmBMICalc.pyc
? wxpython/patient/gmCrypto.pyc
? wxpython/patient/gmDemographics.pyc
? wxpython/patient/gmGP_Allergies.pyc
? wxpython/patient/gmGP_AnteNatal_3.pyc
? wxpython/patient/gmGP_ClinicalSummary.pyc
? wxpython/patient/gmGP_FamilyHistory.pyc
? wxpython/patient/gmGP_Immunisation.pyc
? wxpython/patient/gmGP_Measurements.pyc
? wxpython/patient/gmGP_PastHistory.pyc
? wxpython/patient/gmGP_Prescriptions.pyc
? wxpython/patient/gmGP_Recalls.pyc
? wxpython/patient/gmGP_Referrals.pyc
? wxpython/patient/gmGP_Requests.pyc
? wxpython/patient/gmGP_ScratchPadRecalls.pyc
? wxpython/patient/gmGP_TabbedLists.pyc
? wxpython/patient/gmPregCalc.pyc
cvs server: Diffing .
cvs server: Diffing bitmaps
cvs server: Diffing business
Index: business/
RCS file: /cvsroot/gnumed/gnumed/gnumed/client/business/,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -r1.7
> # _log.Log(gmLog.lInfo, " ".join(("VALUES FOR SET ACTIVE NAMES = ", firstnames, lastnames, str(self.ID)
) ) )
> #cmd = "insert into v_basic_person(firstnames, lastnames, id_identity) values ( %s, %s, %s)" > #result = gmPG.run_commit ('personalia', [(cmd, [firstnames, lastnames, self.ID ])])
>               names = self.getActiveName()
>               print "FOUND EXISTINT NAMES", names
>               cmds = []
>               if names['first'] == '**?**' and names['last'] == '**?**':
> cmd = "insert into names( firstnames, lastnames , id_identity) values ( %s, %s, %s)" > cmds.append( (cmd, [firstnames, lastnames, self.ID] ) )
< return gmPG.run_commit ('personalia', [(cmd, [firstnames, lastnames, self.ID])])
>               cmds.append( (cmd, [firstnames, lastnames, self.ID] ) )
>               print "EXECUTING SET ACTIVE NAMES", cmd
>               result =  gmPG.run_commit ('personalia', cmds )
>               return result
>               if data[0][0] == None:
>                       return ''
<               cmd = "update v_basic_person set title = %s where i_id = %s"
< return gmPG.run_commit ('personalia', [(cmd, [title, self.ID])])
>               #if self.getTitle() == '':
> # cmd = "update names set title = %s, active = true where active = true and id_identity=%s"
>               #else:
>               names = self.getActiveName()
> #cmd = "update v_basic_person set firstnames = %s, lastnames = %s, title = %s where i_id = %s" > cmd = "insert into names ( firstnames, lastnames, title, id_identity) values( %s, %s, %s %s)"
>               print "EXECUting set title ", cmd, " title, ", title
> return gmPG.run_commit ('personalia', [(cmd, [names['first'], names['last'], title, self.ID])])
cvs server: Diffing code_examples
cvs server: Diffing data
cvs server: Diffing data/config-definitions
cvs server: Diffing data/drugObject-definitions
cvs server: Diffing doc
cvs server: Diffing doc/TODO
cvs server: Diffing doc/TODO/spec
cvs server: Diffing doc/developer-manual
cvs server: Diffing doc/developer-manual/snapshots
cvs server: Diffing doc/gnumed
cvs server: Diffing doc/gnumed/stylesheet-images
cvs server: Diffing doc/man-pages
cvs server: Diffing doc/medical_knowledge
cvs server: Diffing doc/medical_knowledge/de
cvs server: Diffing doc/medical_knowledge/de/STIKO
cvs server: Diffing doc/random-notes
cvs server: Diffing doc/user-manual
cvs server: Diffing locale
cvs server: Diffing locale/de
cvs server: Diffing locale/de/LC_MESSAGES
cvs server: Diffing manual
cvs server: Diffing python-addons
cvs server: Diffing python-addons/linux
cvs server: Diffing python-addons/windows
cvs server: Diffing python-common
cvs server: Diffing python-common/tools
cvs server: Diffing python-tools
cvs server: Diffing wxpython
Index: wxpython/
RCS file: /cvsroot/gnumed/gnumed/gnumed/client/wxpython/,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -r1.4
> import gmLog
> _log = gmLog.gmDefLog
<               self.newPatient = isNew
>               self._newPatient = isNew
>               try:
>                       self._save_addresses()
>               except:
>                       _log.LogException("save address", sys.exc_info() )
<               self._save_addresses()
<               m['title'].SetValue( myPatient.getTitle() )
>               title = myPatient.getTitle()
>               if title == None:
>                       title = ''
>               m['title'].SetValue( title )
Index: wxpython/
RCS file: /cvsroot/gnumed/gnumed/gnumed/client/wxpython/,v
retrieving revision 1.127
diff -r1.127
< pat_string = "%s %s.%s (%s) #%d" % (demos.getTitle()[:4], fname, names['last'], demos.getDOB(aFormat
= 'DD.MM.YYYY'), int(pat['ID']))
> pat_string = "%s %s.%s (%s) #%d" % (demos.getTitle(), fname, names['last'], demos.getDOB(aFormat = 'D
D.MM.YYYY'), int(pat['ID']))
cvs server: Diffing wxpython/bitmaps
cvs server: Diffing wxpython/gui
cvs server: Diffing wxpython/gui-de
cvs server: Diffing wxpython/patient

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