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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Fwd: Gnumed - patient input / search / modification -

From: Ian Haywood
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Fwd: Gnumed - patient input / search / modification - family history and more
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 08:58:13 +1000

On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 01:33:35 -0700
Jim Busser <address@hidden> wrote:
> Re : no family relationship handling - family history
There are database tables set up to record patient relationships, 
> Are you aware of the existance of the "Knot System". A numeric 
> notation of relationship. Amonst others, useful to identify 
> bloodrelationship (consanguinity) and its percentage. See 
That's interesting. However, purely social relationships and adoptive 
relationships need to be recorded too.

> > I'm particularly interested to know more about the data protocol used 
> > for exchange of information between users.  Can you advise
> >     1.      Which data protocol is being used and particularly if this 
> > is/will be compatible with the legal Belgium requirements and the as 
> > of (or during) 2007 French mandatory requirements on computerized 
> > medical patient files.
There is no transmission protocol implemented. [In Australia] this is not 
a priority as electronic transmission of data between doctors is not common and 
standard exists.

In the fullness of time we will implement hopefully several data protocol 
Can Ruud de Reiter provide any links for documentation of these standards?

> >     3.      Does the data protocol permit the use of templates to generate 
> > data exchange outputs in formats meeting various national requirements 
> > and/or other software packages.
Our intention is yes.

> > Static/Mobile use
> > Are there any data transmission requirements to operate the system on 
> > a laptop. Background: access to patient records off line. Of course on 
> > those patients were acces (write or read-only) was granted.
Not yet.
As an aside:
it is well within the capacity of a modern laptop to run a full copy of a small 
GNUMed database. 
> > Tarification
I don't have a French dictionary to hand, I'm assuming this means billing.
> > Are any provisions planned to permit addition of national standard 
> > tarifications such as for Switzerland the Tarmed, OAMal and others.
Hopefully yes.
> > Plus !! possibility to filter positions in order to display only those 
> > valid for a specific specialty such as General Practician, Hematolog 
> > etc. Each have their own specific requirements. Example: Tarmed has 
> > 5000+ positions, A GP uses 300 at the most.
This is an interestig idea.


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