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[Gnumed-devel] re: use case collection and sorting

From: J Busser
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] re: use case collection and sorting
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 10:04:12 -0700

At 7:34 PM +1000 8/21/04, sjtan wrote:
Ah, a use case ! Now, I am easily swayed by that ;-) Actually, two use cases.

Maybe someone could  evolve a  catalogue of use cases .e.g. on the wiki

I am wondering about a suitable approach. Maybe the use cases fit under something suitably termed 'Functional requirements" or "Functional requirements - use cases"

Also, the catalogue could entail a growing list of use cases e.g.
1) quick access to possibly multiple instances of
   demographics data
2) easy editing of demographic data

but the description or discussion that went along with it probably needs to be kept available, yes?
I often find myself on the phone to someone, say a
 > specialist asking them to see the patient. They usual say "give me his
 > contact phone number and I'll get my secretary to give him a ring'. This
 > alone happens to me multiple times in a week/day. Also having card numbers
 > handy such as medicare etc, when something has changed when on the phone to
 > our pharmaceutical benefits.

but I am less sure if the suggested implementations are worth re-writing onto the wiki
- another option would be to have a separate horst space
  plugin handling quick access to several demographics objects
  and not changing the active patient - however, that feels
  clumsy and non-integrated

Therefore maybe a list at the top of the catalogue with each item anchored to text appended below the last list item, and/or a link to a pertinent posting at this list archive
as has been done for the roadmap.

Sounds suitable? Alternate ideas / suggestions welcome. I am on-service through Aug 31, I can catch up a little better in September.

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