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[Gnumed-devel] Re: [wxPython-users] Modal window not behaving modally

From: Robin Dunn
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] Re: [wxPython-users] Modal window not behaving modally
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 10:20:53 +1000
User-agent: KMail/1.5.4

Reply from Robin regarding the modal stuff - Havn't thought about how to apply 
this yet.

Richard Terry wrote:
> Now, within the main gnuMed program the   cPatientSelector(wx.wxTextCtrl):
> sits on a toolbar at the top. when multiple patients occur, the list pops
> up Now however, the 'modal' dialog doesn't behave and one can click
> anywhere on the gnumed interface, or on the calling textbox and one 'loses'
> the box to the back. Obviously a mis-understanding about how and where one
> calls it from.

Does it make a difference what the dialog's parent window is?  Try using
wxGetTopLevelParent(self) or perhaps None.

Which platform and version are you working with?

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman  Java give you jitters?  Relax with wxPython!

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