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[Gnumed-devel] clin_episode constraint affecting input

From: sjtan
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] clin_episode constraint affecting input
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 09:18:57 +1000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040616

clin_episode_fk_health_issue_key unique btree (fk_health_issue, description)

this constraint stops entering several episodes of say "cough" in the episode description for say the "xxxDEFAULTxxx"
or the "cystic fibrosis" health issue, even in different encounters.
Should there be a time (?span) attribute included , or maybe just drop this constraint. From the recent posts, this may be dropped by schema restructuring ?

I'm uploading a (pre-alpha) version of the web client that does the structured input of health issues, clin episodes and clin narratives. (insert only, no re-editing after commit yet ; shameless plugging to get user feedback ). I came across this constraint when trying to get data in with blank episode description fields.

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