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[Gnumed-devel] help on bootstaping gnumed cvs

From: Alessandro Amici
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] help on bootstaping gnumed cvs
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 2004 11:26:38 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.7


i'm trying to set up a test installation of gnumed cvs on debian sid, but i've 
not been able to get to up-to-date installation docs and i'm stuck.

some time ago i tried the gnumed-snapshot debs, with poor results (i didn't 
have much time, nor motivation at the time). this time i'm going for cvs.

i downloaded the current cvs tree and i look for installation instructions 
inside it. i only found gnumed/client/doc/user-manual, but information there 
are out-dated (the names of several directories are wrong, you don't need the 
links, etc), and obviously incomplete (see below).

OTOH, i've not been able to connect to the wiki (timeout on server), and i 
only found bits and pieces on the mailing list.

after a tough fight against configuration files and posgresql access controll 
i managed to run gnumed/server/bootstrap/ with 
apparent success (but tons of sql errors in the logs).

however i still can't log in (error is "The database account [test-doc] is not 
associated with any staff member known to GnuMed.") and i've got the 
impression that i'm still miles away :-/

therefore, my question is:
 where should i look for up-to-date bootstrap/installation instruction?

or else:
 can someone help me on the bootstrap process?

thanks in advance,

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