# automatically generated by the maintainer scripts of db-test-mysql # any changes you make will be preserved, though your comments # will be lost! to change your settings you should edit this # file and then run "dpkg-reconfigure db-test-mysql" # dbconfig_install: configure database with dbconfig-common? # set to anything but "true" to opt out of assistance dbconfig_install="true" # dbconfig_upgrade: upgrade database with dbconfig-common? # set to anything but "true" to opt out of assistance dbconfig_upgrade="true" # dbconfig_remove: deconfigure database with dbconfig-common? # set to anything but "true" to opt out of assistance dbconfig_remove="" # dbuser: database user dbuser="db-test-mysql" # dbserver: database host. leave unset to use the local host (or a more # efficient local method if it exists). dbserver="localhost" # dbport: remote database port # leave unset to use the default. only applicable if you are # using a remote database. THIS DOES NOT WORK YET. dbport="" # dbname: name of database dbname="dbtestmysql" # dbpass: password for database user # if left unset, you will be prompted for it when needed. dbpass=""