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Re: [Gnumed-devel] test requests and importing, BC (CA) anticoag pilot (

From: Ian Haywood
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] test requests and importing, BC (CA) anticoag pilot (was: test imports)
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 18:43:16 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

On Thu, Feb 24, 2005 at 02:58:35PM -0800, J Busser wrote:
> Computer printouts are discouraged to make harder the routine 
> ordering of multiple tests and to encourage use of the approved lab 
> forms which give policy guidance e.g. if a patient has no risk 
> factors for cardiac disease, they must pay if they want a breakdown 
> of lipid fractions whereas a total cholesterol is universally 
> covered. Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is not covered except for 
> clinical conditions (nodule, known or suspected Ca, follow-up).
Basically there are two options:
1/ specific templates where words are printed at defined positions
on the page, you load the path. firms form in the printer, and it pops
out with stuff written in the proper places.
2/ use a self-designed form on blank paper (this is what Richard does)
This has a number of advantages, its easier for us programmers, it means
you don't need to load paper for every form (just one stack of blank
paper), and you can put stuff on it, such as patient instructions,
warnings etc. which may not be on the original (this is something
gnumed would put on automatically depending on what you ordered)
"Policy guidance" can be done easily in software, this isn't a good
enough excuse for handwritten forms.
The problem with this approach is regulations. In Australia we can't use
this for scripts (actually we could, but the meds would not be
subsidized), in DE I understand it would be flatly illegali, there
are prescribed forms for everything.
> also have a "standing order" for certain tests to be done on a 
Cool. This is generally illegal over here (clozapine monitoring
is, fortunately, an exception)

> Also, a doctor from the practice is always *supposed* to be available 
> to be called out of hours in case it is during this time that a lab 
> technician identifies a "critical result".
Lab techs working after hours. Wow ;-)
> >JJJJJJ|Busser,J.R.^bus7081^07081|A5SS012345 LAST, FIRST^01|9029029022|LAST,
> >FIRST^19771209^F|20050215^20050218|CDC|3327221|V0N 1B4
Well, that's fairly straightforward.
> >address@hidden:~# grep -iR "pathnet" 
> >oscar.oscarLabs.PathNet.HL7.V2_3.MSH;
> >/var/lib/tomcat4/webapps/oscar/WEB-INF/src/oscar/oscarLabs/PathNet/HL7/V2_3/

Not too sure how to interpret this Jim.
Looks like HL7 fetched via SSL, but I suppose we need to look closer at
the OSCAR source code to work it out.


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