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[Gnumed-devel] ldap kerberos stuff, for future reference if needed.

From: Syan Tan
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] ldap kerberos stuff, for future reference if needed.
Date: Sun, 05 Feb 2006 09:43:30 +0800


This might be useful for secure messaging , and possibly secure login. 

LDAP resources

urls for getting started:

 the stooges ldif   at

shows a 3 level 3 stooges heirarchy, with an organization 3 stooges, two membership groups A and B,  Larry and Moe in A, and Curly in B.


1. install ldap

synaptic -   search ldap, select openldap packages, and "apply"

2. change /etc/ldap/slapd.conf 

append the stooges-slapd.conf extract that has the stooges database.

change "database ldbm" to "database bdb" , because this the debian default backend type ( berkeley db)

3. insert the stooges.ldif

this can be done without invoke gsasl, by being root, and doing

slapadd -l stooges.ldif 



slapadd isn't available to the ordinary user.


4. setting up kerberos - in order to allow ordinary users to use ldap.

synaptic - search kerberos, and install kerberos 5  server and client (and docs).

 5. make a nice network environment for kerberos -

       A. change /etc/hosts  so that localhost.localdomain  is no longer just , but whatever the machine's

network address is on your local network.  tethereal shows that it is inbuilt into kerberos clients not to contact

when looking  for the key distribution centre server (kdc ).

      B. change /etc/resolve.conf   : this should have nameserver  <my network address>  , as it is going to point

to a named  server , which is the bind9 dns package that is going to be installed to allow a local dns to help find the

kdc server, and the kerberos admin server.

     C. install bind9  using synaptic.   

      D. create a new db file called db.kdc by copying  db.empty in /etc/bind/  to /etc/bind/db.kdc , and appending something like

$ORIGIN localdomain.
_kerberos               TXT       "LOCALHOST";
kerberos                CNAME     LOCALHOST;
_kerberos._udp          SRV       0 0 88 localhost;
;_kerberos._tcp         SRV       0 0 88 localhost;
_kerberos-master._udp   SRV       0 0 88 localhost;
_kerberos-adm._tcp      SRV       0 0 749 localhost;
_kpasswd._udp           SRV       0 0 464 localhost

what this bind fragment means, I'm guessing from the tethereal packets:

the $ORIGIN  command is the most important, which means it appends ".localdomain" to each of the entries and any mappings.

_kerberos._udp  SRV  0 0 88 localhost  

will map to

_kerberos._udp.localdomain   and this will map to localhost.localdomain:88

port 88 is the default server port for the kerberos kdc.  

It's very easy to get confused between localhost, and localdomain.   The _kerberos._udp  service name is used as a constant

name by the kerberos client software, and it expects a dns to give back the kdc server address.

Finally, link in the /etc/bind/db.kdc   zone definition in /etc/bind/named.conf.local by adding something like

zone "localdomain"   { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.kdc"; };

 then run "/etc/init.d/bind restart ",  to see if it worked.    I don't know why zone "localdomain" will coexist with zone "localhost".

    E.  install the LOCALDOMAIN realm if not already done so via the debian installation script for kerberos ( it should have prompted for

a realm name). the command  krb5_newrealm  as root will do this.

6.  Add some users for  kerberos. 

kadmin.local  as root allows  local administration of kerberos.

the kadmin commands addprinc, listprincs, change_password (cpw) are needed.

kadmin.local:  listprincs


the 2 last users, were manually added, and seem to work.  

- the @LOCALDOMAIN is the kerberos security realm of the user, not a internet address.

- the policy stuff seems to be unnecessary to change.

 the ldap user needs to be there, for the ldap gsasl credential  getting mechanism to work, and this

needs to be added by doing  "addprinc ldap/address@hidden" on the kadmin command line.

7. logging into kerberos.

the kinit command allows anyone to login as a certain principal.

it stores the credential on the local machine as  /tmp/krb5cc_1000 , where 1000 is the unix user's uid.

the credential is time limited, and needs renewing if allowed in the kerberos configuration.


8. using ldapadd after kinit.

ldapadd  should work now from an ordinary after kinit,

but make sure the /etc/conf/slapd.conf allows access.

 in slapd.conf:

    access to * by users write


should allow every kinit authenticated user to change anything in the ldap database. ( needs to be refined)




















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