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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Schema question about dem.lnk_identity2ext_id

From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Schema question about dem.lnk_identity2ext_id
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2008 13:14:42 +0100

> And accordingly, if in British Columbia CA the most common and  
> practical automatch criteria would involve patients' "Personal Health  
> Number", for this we would want to match
>       "external_id" in dem.lnk_identity2ext_id
> where
>       "issuer" in dem.enum_ext_id_types is "BC"

I would be more specific that "BC", say, "British Columbia Health
Council" or whatever is appropriate. It'll one day down the road be
helpful to be able to exactly know what this stands for. Or rather,
*if* we chose NOT to be precise that day *will* come.

>       "name" in dem.enum_ext_id_types is "Personal Health Number"
If that's unique enough to describe it, yes.

There's a view aggregating this per patient, BTW.

> and (as a precaution, including against stolen numbers which happens  
> in BC)
>       one of (dob matches OR lastnames match)
If it is provided, yes.

> BTW is it important, in building the SQL, to shorten names, for  
> example should the Personal Health Number in GNUmed be entered  
> shorter as "PHN"?
Clearly no, IMO, due to the above considerations. It may be OK to
shorten to PHN but then one would want to be extra careful about
the issuer. Eventually, however, it all depends on local customs.

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