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Re: Fwd: [Gnumed-devel] EMR tree display of allergy

From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: Re: Fwd: [Gnumed-devel] EMR tree display of allergy
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2008 01:42:31 +0200

> >> Unknown (I suggest Unasked is better)
The "unknown" comprises more reasons for "state not known" than unasked.

It says that the state is not known to the GNUmed system (and thus to the 
clinician). It also means
the clinician is still litigable for that state.

> >> Undisclosed (I strongly prefer Unanswered)
Fine with me. It is intended to mean that the state is STILL unknown but the 
clinician is not
litigable for it anymore (because it WAS asked but not disclosed).

BTW, undisclosed is intended to mean "patient could have disclosed but did not" 
while "unanswered"
seems to also encompass "patient was unable to answer" (because unconscious ;-)

We need to get this exactly right. There IS a discussion on this in the 

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