#!/bin/sh #============================================================== # $Source: /sources/gnumed/gnumed/gnumed/server/gm-bootstrap_server,v $ # $Id: gm-bootstrap_server,v 1.1 2009/01/05 12:13:53 ncq Exp $ # # author: Andreas Tille, Karsten Hilbert # license: GPL v2 # # This wrapper is intended to be installed into a systemwide # admin-only executable directory such as "/usr/sbin/" # # It should be run as root and will call the upstream script to # actually bootstrap the latest database from scratch. # #============================================================== # those probably need some adjustment from package maintainers: GM_LOG_BASE="/var/log/gnumed/server" GM_SERVER_DIR="/var/lib/gnumed/server/bootstrap" #============================================================== set -e if ! su -c "psql -t -d template1 -c \"show lc_ctype;\"" postgres | grep -q -e C -e UTF-8 ; then echo "Your PostgreSQL installation seems not to have lc_ctype UTF-8 or C." echo "This will most probably lead to failures of the GNUmed server installation." exit -1 fi cd ${GM_SERVER_DIR} ./bootstrap-latest.sh #============================================================== # $Log: gm-bootstrap_server,v $ # Revision 1.1 2009/01/05 12:13:53 ncq # - new, as per discussion on list for Debian # #