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Re: [Gnumed-devel] further thinking on list of current medications

From: Rogerio Luz
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] further thinking on list of current medications
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 00:04:17 -0300

It´s called Manipulation
You instruct a pharmacist to make say:
- Enalapril 10mg
- Metformin 500mg
- Alopirinol 100mg
- 120 capsules
* Take twice a day ...
It is not very common, but some doctors like to do this, the biggest problem I see is that many patients that do this do not know what medication actually is being prescribed (but since I see about 1-2 patients that use this a month - and I work at a busy ER, I suppose it is not worth the trouble to make a feature just for this)
But Homeopathic and Floral Medicines fit a lot of diferent remedies together, and I seem to have the impression that in Europe these are somewhat mainstream ... right?
2009/3/31 Jim Busser <address@hidden>
Do you mean that the doctors instruct the pharmacy, or that the doctors perhaps even by themselves, mix together the different drugs, and then put the mixture inside capsules???

On 31-Mar-09, at 5:54 PM, Rogerio Luz wrote:

In Brasil some physicians have been known to send a single pill with all the patients drugs for the day. As unwise at this may seem it is an example of your question right?


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