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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Gnumed's design suitable for complex encounter requir

From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Gnumed's design suitable for complex encounter requirements
Date: Fri, 01 Jan 2010 00:52:19 +0100

> On Fri, 1 Jan 2010, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
> > > If two persons are in the room I will often have both "files" open
> > 
> > Oh, OK, "two persons in the room" - I rarely have that situation. It
> does
> > occur but not very often.
> > 
> parent and child
> parent and more than one child
> married couple....

I see.

While I'm a GP by training I am employed at a large surgical walk-in
clinic. During office hours we are a standard surgical community
practice (a lot of people being confused about that come see us
anyway for whatever health issues they have). During off-hours we
turn into a general purpose ER (that is, people will come by with
whatever they feel an urge for care for). Ambulances will target our
clinic but the patients will have been triaged beforehand. We won't
see polytrauma/AMI/stroke unless such patients walk in on their own at
which point we do initial-contact care and coordinate transfer to
appropriate centers.

We do have a pediatrics practice/ER with the same business plan upstairs
which I am in charge of in parallel to my surgical shifts (parallel pay,
too ;-)

So far it's been fairly quiet this New Years Eve (my shift runs from noon 31st
to noon 1st) which likely has to do with the snowing going on...

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