#!/usr/bin/env python __doc__ = """GNUmed web client launcher. """ #========================================================== # $Source: /home/ncq/Projekte/cvs2git/vcs-mirror/gnumed/gnumed/client/wxpython/gnumed.py,v $ # $Id: gnumed.py,v 1.169 2010-01-31 18:20:41 ncq Exp $ __version__ = "$Revision: 1 $" __author__ = "S. Hilbert " __license__ = "GPL (details at http://www.gnu.org)" import cherrypy # stdlib import sys, time, os, cPickle, zlib, locale, os.path, datetime as pyDT, webbrowser, shutil, logging, urllib2 # GNUmed libs from Gnumed.pycommon import gmI18N, gmTools, gmDateTime, gmHooks from Gnumed.pycommon import gmLoginInfo, gmPG2, gmBackendListener, gmTools, gmCfg2, gmI18N, gmDispatcher from Gnumed.business import gmMedDoc #try: # _('dummy-no-need-to-translate-but-make-epydoc-happy') #except NameError: # _ = lambda x:x _cfg = gmCfg2.gmCfgData() _provider = None _scripting_listener = None _log = logging.getLogger('gm.main') _log.info(__version__) _log.info('web GUI framework') #================================================================ # convenience functions #---------------------------------------------------------------- def connect_to_database(login_info=None, max_attempts=3, expected_version=None, require_version=True): """Display the login dialog and try to log into the backend. - up to max_attempts times - returns True/False """ # force programmer to set a valid expected_version expected_hash = gmPG2.known_schema_hashes[expected_version] client_version = _cfg.get(option = u'client_version') global current_db_name current_db_name = u'gnumed_%s' % expected_version attempt = 0 while attempt < max_attempts: _log.debug('login attempt %s of %s', (attempt+1), max_attempts) connected = False login = login_info if login is None: _log.info("did not provide a login information") # try getting a connection to verify the DSN works dsn = gmPG2.make_psycopg2_dsn ( database = login.database, host = login.host, port = login.port, user = login.user, password = login.password ) try: conn = gmPG2.get_raw_connection(dsn = dsn, verbose = True, readonly = True) connected = True except gmPG2.cAuthenticationError, e: attempt += 1 _log.error(u"login attempt failed: %s", e) if attempt < max_attempts: if (u'host=' in (u'%s' % e)) or (u'host=' not in (u'%s' % e)): msg = _( 'Unable to connect to database:\n\n' '%s\n\n' "Are you sure you have got a local database installed ?\n" '\n' "Please retry with proper credentials or cancel.\n" '\n' 'You may also need to check the PostgreSQL client\n' 'authentication configuration in pg_hba.conf. For\n' 'details see:\n' '\n' 'wiki.gnumed.de/bin/view/Gnumed/ConfigurePostgreSQL' ) else: msg = _( "Unable to connect to database:\n\n" "%s\n\n" "Please retry with proper credentials or cancel.\n" "\n" 'You may also need to check the PostgreSQL client\n' 'authentication configuration in pg_hba.conf. For\n' 'details see:\n' '\n' 'wiki.gnumed.de/bin/view/Gnumed/ConfigurePostgreSQL' ) msg = msg % e msg = regex.sub(r'password=[^\s]+', u'password=%s' % gmTools.u_replacement_character, msg) gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_error ( msg, _('Connecting to backend') ) del e continue except gmPG2.dbapi.OperationalError, e: _log.error(u"login attempt failed: %s", e) msg = _( "Unable to connect to database:\n\n" "%s\n\n" "Please retry another backend / user / password combination !\n" ) % gmPG2.extract_msg_from_pg_exception(e) msg = regex.sub(r'password=[^\s]+', u'password=%s' % gmTools.u_replacement_character, msg) gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_error ( msg, _('Connecting to backend') ) del e continue # connect was successful gmPG2.set_default_login(login = login) #gmPG2.set_default_client_encoding(encoding = dlg.panel.backend_profile.encoding) # compatible = gmPG2.database_schema_compatible(version = expected_version) # if compatible or not require_version: #dlg.panel.save_state() # continue # if not compatible: # connected_db_version = gmPG2.get_schema_version() # msg = msg_generic % ( # client_version, # connected_db_version, # expected_version, # gmTools.coalesce(login.host, ''), # login.database, # login.user # ) # if require_version: # gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_error(msg + msg_fail, _('Verifying database version')) # pass #gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_info(msg + msg_override, _('Verifying database version')) # # FIXME: make configurable # max_skew = 1 # minutes # if _cfg.get(option = 'debug'): # max_skew = 10 # if not gmPG2.sanity_check_time_skew(tolerance = (max_skew * 60)): # if _cfg.get(option = 'debug'): # gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_warning(msg_time_skew_warn % max_skew, _('Verifying database settings')) # else: # gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_error(msg_time_skew_fail % max_skew, _('Verifying database settings')) # continue # sanity_level, message = gmPG2.sanity_check_database_settings() # if sanity_level != 0: # gmGuiHelpers.gm_show_error((msg_insanity % message), _('Verifying database settings')) # if sanity_level == 2: # continue # gmExceptionHandlingWidgets.set_is_public_database(login.public_db) # gmExceptionHandlingWidgets.set_helpdesk(login.helpdesk) listener = gmBackendListener.gmBackendListener(conn = conn) break #dlg.Destroy() return connected #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #internal helper functions #---------------------------------------------------- def __get_backend_profiles(): """Get server profiles from the configuration files. 1) from system-wide file 2) from user file Profiles in the user file which have the same name as a profile in the system file will override the system file. """ # find active profiles src_order = [ (u'explicit', u'extend'), (u'system', u'extend'), (u'user', u'extend'), (u'workbase', u'extend') ] profile_names = gmTools.coalesce ( _cfg.get(group = u'backend', option = u'profiles', source_order = src_order), [] ) # find data for active profiles src_order = [ (u'explicit', u'return'), (u'workbase', u'return'), (u'user', u'return'), (u'system', u'return') ] profiles = {} for profile_name in profile_names: # FIXME: once the profile has been found always use the corresponding source ! # FIXME: maybe not or else we cannot override parts of the profile profile = cBackendProfile() profile_section = 'profile %s' % profile_name profile.name = profile_name profile.host = gmTools.coalesce(_cfg.get(profile_section, u'host', src_order), u'').strip() port = gmTools.coalesce(_cfg.get(profile_section, u'port', src_order), 5432) try: profile.port = int(port) if profile.port < 1024: raise ValueError('refusing to use priviledged port (< 1024)') except ValueError: _log.warning('invalid port definition: [%s], skipping profile [%s]', port, profile_name) continue profile.database = gmTools.coalesce(_cfg.get(profile_section, u'database', src_order), u'').strip() if profile.database == u'': _log.warning('database name not specified, skipping profile [%s]', profile_name) continue profile.encoding = gmTools.coalesce(_cfg.get(profile_section, u'encoding', src_order), u'UTF8') profile.public_db = bool(_cfg.get(profile_section, u'public/open access', src_order)) profile.helpdesk = _cfg.get(profile_section, u'help desk', src_order) label = u'%s (address@hidden)' % (profile_name, profile.database, profile.host) profiles[label] = profile # sort out profiles with incompatible database versions if not --debug # NOTE: this essentially hardcodes the database name in production ... if not (_cfg.get(option = 'debug') or current_db_name.endswith('_devel')): profiles2remove = [] for label in profiles: if profiles[label].database != current_db_name: profiles2remove.append(label) for label in profiles2remove: del profiles[label] if len(profiles) == 0: host = u'salaam.homeunix.com' label = u'public GNUmed database (address@hidden)' % (current_db_name, host) profiles[label] = cBackendProfile() profiles[label].name = label profiles[label].host = host profiles[label].port = 5432 profiles[label].database = current_db_name profiles[label].encoding = u'UTF8' profiles[label].public_db = True profiles[label].helpdesk = u'http://wiki.gnumed.de' return profiles # ------------------------------------------------------------ def GetLoginInfo(username=None, password=None, backend=None ): # username is provided through the web interface # password is provided # we need the profile """convenience function for compatibility with gmLoginInfo.LoginInfo""" #if not self.cancelled: # FIXME: do not assume conf file is latin1 ! #profile = self.__backend_profiles[self._CBOX_profile.GetValue().encode('latin1').strip()] #self.__backend_profiles = self.__get_backend_profiles() __backend_profiles = __get_backend_profiles() profile = __backend_profiles[backend.encode('utf8').strip()] _log.debug(u'backend profile "%s" selected', profile.name) _log.debug(u' details: <%s> on address@hidden:%s (%s, %s)', username, profile.database, profile.host, profile.port, profile.encoding, gmTools.bool2subst(profile.public_db, u'public', u'private') ) #_log.debug(u' helpdesk: "%s"', profile.helpdesk) login = gmLoginInfo.LoginInfo ( user = username, password = password, host = profile.host, database = profile.database, port = profile.port ) #login.public_db = profile.public_db #login.helpdesk = profile.helpdesk return login #---------------------------------------------- def _signal_debugging_monitor(*args, **kwargs): try: kwargs['originated_in_database'] print '==> got notification from database "%s":' % kwargs['signal'] except KeyError: print '==> received signal from client: "%s"' % kwargs['signal'] del kwargs['signal'] for key in kwargs.keys(): print ' [%s]: %s' % (key, kwargs[key]) #================================================================ class cBackendProfile: pass #================================================================ class gmApp: def doSomething(self): msg = 'shema version is:' + gmPG2.get_schema_version() +'\n\n' msg2 ='' for item in gmMedDoc.get_document_types(): msg2 = msg2 +'\n' + str(item) msg = msg + msg2 return msg def doLogin(self, username=None, password=None, backend=None): login_info = GetLoginInfo(username, password, backend) override = _cfg.get(option = '--override-schema-check', source_order = [('cli', 'return')]) connected = connect_to_database ( login_info, expected_version = gmPG2.map_client_branch2required_db_version[_cfg.get(option = 'client_branch')], require_version = not override ) msg = self.doSomething() return msg doLogin.exposed = True # ------------------------------------------------------------ def index(self): # backend is hardcoded for now, make it use drop down list later return """




""" index.exposed = True #========================================================== # main - launch the GNUmed web client #---------------------------------------------------------- def main(): if _cfg.get(option = 'debug'): gmDispatcher.connect(receiver = _signal_debugging_monitor) _log.debug('gmDispatcher signal monitor activated') cherrypy.quickstart(gmApp())