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[Gnumed-devel] When table column in postgres has been named 'group'

From: Busser, Jim
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] When table column in postgres has been named 'group'
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 02:31:32 +0000

When I do in psql

        \d+ cfg.v_cfg_options

I note

                    View "cfg.v_cfg_options"
     Column      |  Type   | Modifiers | Storage  | Description 
 option          | text    |           | extended | 
 description     | text    |           | extended | 
 owner           | name    |           | plain    | 
 workplace       | text    |           | extended | 
 cookie          | text    |           | extended | 
 type            | text    |           | extended | 
 group           | text    |           | extended | 
 pk_cfg_template | integer |           | plain    | 
 pk_cfg_item     | integer |           | plain    | 
View definition:
 SELECT AS option, cfg_t.description, cfg_i.owner, cfg_i.workplace, 
cfg_i.cookie, cfg_t.type, cfg_t.cfg_group AS "group", AS 
pk_cfg_template, AS pk_cfg_item
   FROM cfg.cfg_template cfg_t, cfg.cfg_item cfg_i
  WHERE cfg_i.fk_template =;

and I can do

        select owner, workplace, option, cookie, type from cfg.v_cfg_options 
order by owner, workplace, option;

and I can do

        select * from …

but if I try to include the column named 'group' I get

        gnumed_v16=> select group from cfg.v_cfg_options ;
        ERROR: syntax error at or near "group"
        LINE 1: select group from cfg.v_cfg_options ;


-- Jim

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