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Re: [Gnumed-devel] BILLABLE

From: Vaibhav Banait
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] BILLABLE
Date: Thu, 9 May 2013 18:49:09 +0530

I get following errors when I execute
following lines for adding
billing items into gnumed > INSERT INTO ref.data_source (name_long,
name_short, version, source) values
('Indian Billing', 'VBIB', '2013', 'Vaibhav
Banait'); Error :ERROR: duplicate key value violates
unique constraint "data_source_pkey"
SQL state: 23505 > INSERT INTO ref.billable (code, term,
fk_data_source, amount, currency) values
('1', 'First consultation', currval
('ref.data_source_pk_seq'), 300, U&'\20A8');
ERROR: unsafe use of string constant with
Unicode escapes SQL state: 0A000 Will you please help me out?

Vaibhav S Banait
MD (Med), DNB (Med),
DM (Gastroenterology),
Ph: Vaibhav:09860643436

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