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[Gnumed-devel] Patient data export to CD/DVD/USB stick

From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] Patient data export to CD/DVD/USB stick
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2014 20:30:40 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

GNUmed now supports the following workflow:

- patient calls in asking for documentation on his back pain

- staff activates patient

- staff adds from the document archive to the patient
  export area a few documents clearly related to episodes
  of back pain

- staff writes inbox message to provider assigned to patient

- provider logs in, activates patient from inbox message

- provider adds a few more documents into the export area

- provider screenshots part of the EMR into the export area

- provider includes a few files from disk into export area

- provider creates a letter from a template and
  stores the PDF in the export area

- provider notifies staff via inbox that documents
  are ready for mailing to patient

- staff activates patient from inbox message

- staff burns export area onto CD or DVD and
  mails to patient

- staff clears export area

Burning media requires both a mastering application
(like k3b) and an appropriate script gm-burn_doc
(like the attached) to be installed. Burning onto
some media the directory passed to the burn script
produces an ISO image like the attached.

GPG key ID E4071346 @
E167 67FD A291 2BEA 73BD  4537 78B9 A9F9 E407 1346

Attachment: gm-burn_doc
Description: Text document

Attachment: K3b-Daten-Projekt.iso
Description: application/iso9660-image

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