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Re: [Gnumed-devel] encryption of documents in archive

From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] encryption of documents in archive
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2014 21:43:38 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

On Wed, Jan 08, 2014 at 05:27:52PM +0000, Jim Busser wrote:

> What I am wondering is …
> -- whether each item, in order to be listed for inclusion in the "export", 
> must first exist as an item in the patient's document archive


> -- whether what is stored in this "list" is a growing set of "copies" of 
> things to be exported, or whether the list consists only of a table which 
> points to the various items in the growing list

Both and neither.

> -- if the latter (a table of pointers) then are we talking about encrypting 
> the row in the table (or the entire table)?

I am talking about encrypting documents in the document archive.

> -- if the former (if copies of documents are being
> accumulated in the row of a blob, whose column content is to
> populate the export) then are we talking about encrypting the
> collection of copies and re-encrypting it as it grows?

Why re-encrypt ??

But, again, I was not talking about the export area.

> -- is the output of what is to be exported (say, a zip
> file) to remain permanently stored in the patient's record in
> GNUmed, despite that this will be redundant information,
> or will it be only the *list* of what was included that would
> remain permanently stored in GNUmed?


> >> in order that these can be securely emailed or
> >> placed onto media (then to be physically mailed, or else
> >> directly transported by the patient or their proxy).
> > 
> > No, that's a different matter and encryption would
> > happen at the time of storage generation.
> "storage generation" =
> 1) being written into a row within the GNUmed db, or
> 2) being written out of the GNUmed db and out to /tmp filespace from where 
> the export can then be written onto media or into email etc

Neither. The export area exists in the database. Storage
generation meant to say "saved with metadata to USB CD
DVD or disk" for external use.

But, again, my question is not about the export area.

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