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[taler-marketing] branch master updated: more slides

From: gnunet
Subject: [taler-marketing] branch master updated: more slides
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2021 11:35:54 +0100

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

grothoff pushed a commit to branch master
in repository marketing.

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/master by this push:
     new 4525b5c  more slides
4525b5c is described below

commit 4525b5c5d0ce6607d2ee96b3f709ff68da3c70c3
Author: Christian Grothoff <>
AuthorDate: Fri Jan 15 11:35:52 2021 +0100

    more slides
 presentations/bank/bank.tex         |  89 ++++--
 presentations/bank/db-full.pdf      | Bin 0 -> 12103 bytes
 presentations/bank/db-full.svg      | 594 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 presentations/bank/lunch.tex        | 574 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 presentations/bank/replication.pdf  | Bin 0 -> 10251 bytes
 presentations/bank/replication.svg  | 427 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 presentations/bank/replication2.pdf | Bin 0 -> 9966 bytes
 presentations/bank/replication2.svg | 384 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 8 files changed, 2039 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/presentations/bank/bank.tex b/presentations/bank/bank.tex
index a325c8b..5f4cb83 100644
--- a/presentations/bank/bank.tex
+++ b/presentations/bank/bank.tex
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ of the Taler Wire Gateway exist:
   LibEuFin is a standalone project that provides adapters to bank account
   access APIs.
     \item LibEuFin provides both a generic access layer and an
       implementation of the Taler Wire Gateway API for the exchange
@@ -709,43 +709,54 @@ Once everyone is happy with Beta, move to production.
 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Debian Installation Overview (1/3)}
 Recommended {\tt /etc/apt/preferences}:
-  \begin{verbatim}
-   Package: *
-   Pin: release a=stable
-   Pin-Priority: 700
-   Package: *
-   Pin: release a=testing
-   Pin-Priority: 650
-   Package: *
-   Pin: release a=unstable
-   Pin-Priority: 600
-   Package: *
-   Pin: release l=Debian-Security
-   Pin-Priority: 1000
-   \end{verbatim}
+Package: *
+Pin: release a=stable
+Pin-Priority: 700
+Package: *
+Pin: release a=testing
+Pin-Priority: 650
+Package: *
+Pin: release a=unstable
+Pin-Priority: 600
+Package: *
+Pin: release l=Debian-Security
+Pin-Priority: 1000
 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Debian Installation Overview (2/3)}
 Recommended {\tt /etc/apt/sources.list}:
-  \begin{verbatim}
-   deb buster main
-   deb buster/updates main
-   deb testing main
-   deb unstable main
-   deb sid main
-  \end{verbatim}
+deb buster main
+deb buster/updates main
+deb testing main
+deb unstable main
+deb sid main
 \begin{frame}[fragile]{Debian Installation Overview (3/3)}
 Key import and installation:
-  \begin{verbatim}
-   # wget -O - | apt-sign add -
-   # apt update
-   # apt install taler-exchange
- \end{verbatim}
+# wget -O - | apt-sign add -
+# apt update
+# apt install taler-exchange
@@ -758,6 +769,26 @@ Key import and installation:
+\begin{frame}{Database setup}
+\begin{frame}{Simplified database setup}
+\begin{frame}{Database setup with Nexus}
diff --git a/presentations/bank/db-full.pdf b/presentations/bank/db-full.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4896321
Binary files /dev/null and b/presentations/bank/db-full.pdf differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b17c3cd
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@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
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100.333,192 0,159.143 0,118.857 V 73.143 C 0,32.857 100.333,0 224,0 347.667,0 
448,32.857 448,73.143 Z M 448,176 V 278.857 C 448,319.143 347.667,352 224,352 
100.333,352 0,319.143 0,278.857 V 176 c 48.125,33.143 136.208,48.572 224,48.572 
87.792,0 175.874,-15.429 224,-48.572 z m 0,160 V 438.857 C 448,479.143 
347.667,512 224,512 100.333,512 0,479.143 0,438.857 V 336 c 48.125,33.143 
136.208,48.572 224,48.572 87.792,0 175.87 [...]
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+           style="stroke-width:0.264583">LibEuFin/Nexus</tspan></text>
+    </g>
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+       id="g1259">
+      <g
+         id="g890-05"
+         transform="matrix(0.07147522,0,0,0.07147522,19.069133,22.979895)">
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+           d="m 448,73.143 v 45.714 C 448,159.143 347.667,192 224,192 
100.333,192 0,159.143 0,118.857 V 73.143 C 0,32.857 100.333,0 224,0 347.667,0 
448,32.857 448,73.143 Z M 448,176 V 278.857 C 448,319.143 347.667,352 224,352 
100.333,352 0,319.143 0,278.857 V 176 c 48.125,33.143 136.208,48.572 224,48.572 
87.792,0 175.874,-15.429 224,-48.572 z m 0,160 V 438.857 C 448,479.143 
347.667,512 224,512 100.333,512 0,479.143 0,438.857 V 336 c 48.125,33.143 
136.208,48.572 224,48.572 87.792,0 175.87 [...]
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+         id="text1235-4"
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+           style="stroke-width:0.264583"
+           y="20.419903"
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+           sodipodi:role="line">LibEuFin/Nexus</tspan></text>
+    </g>
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+       id="text1269"
+       y="91.990257"
+       x="23.534399"
+       xml:space="preserve"><tspan
+         style="stroke-width:0.264583"
+         y="91.990257"
+         x="23.534399"
+         id="tspan1267"
+         sodipodi:role="line">taler-exchange-transfer</tspan></text>
+    <text
+       id="text1273"
+       y="68.563263"
+       x="42.095734"
+       xml:space="preserve"><tspan
+         style="stroke-width:0.264583"
+         y="68.563263"
+         x="42.095734"
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+         sodipodi:role="line">taler-exchange-wirewatch</tspan></text>
+    <text
+       id="text1277"
+       y="80.975281"
+       x="233.62143"
+       xml:space="preserve"><tspan
+         style="stroke-width:0.264583"
+         y="80.975281"
+         x="233.62143"
+         id="tspan1275"
+         sodipodi:role="line">taler-helper-auditor-wire</tspan></text>
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+       sodipodi:nodetypes="cc"
+       id="path1279"
+       d="m 32.960054,61.382727 c -47.138813,49.618583 31.76765,38.272783 
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+       id="path1281"
+       d="m 50.151339,58.352788 c 15.983641,9.115347 27.303503,-7.798757 
+  </g>
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+\title{GNU Taler}
+\subtitle{Montag Mittag, 25.1.2021}
+\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{\includegraphics[width=1cm]{inria.pdf} 
+\author{L. Wittmann, C. Grothoff}
+\institute{Taler Systems SA}
+  \begin{center}
+    \LARGE {\bf GNU}
+    \vfill
+    \includegraphics[width=0.66\textwidth]{logo-2020.jpg}
+  \end{center}
+\begin{textblock*}{4cm}(.5cm,7.7cm) % {block width} (coords)
+  {\Large {\bf \url{}} \\
+    twitter@taler }
+% Substitute based on who is giving the talk!
+ \begin{textblock*}{6cm}(6.7cm,7.7cm) % {block width} (coords)
+   {\hfill {\Large {\bf L. Wittmann \&} \\
+    \hfill {\bf C. Grothoff}} }
+\begin{frame}{Design goals for the GNU Taler Payment System}
+GNU Taler must ...
+  \item {... be implemented as {\bf free software}.}
+  \item {... protect the {\bf privacy of buyers}.}
+  \item {... must enable the state to {\bf tax income} and crack down on
+    illegal business activities.}
+  \item {... prevent payment fraud.}
+  \item {... only {\bf disclose the minimal amount of information
+    necessary}.}
+  \item {... be usable.}
+  \item {... be efficient.}
+  \item {... avoid single points of failure.}
+  \item {... foster {\bf competition}.}
+\begin{frame}{How does Taler operate?}
+  \vfill
+\frametitle{Do you have any questions?}
+  \begin{enumerate}
+ \item{Christian Grothoff, Bart Polot and Carlo von Loesch.
+       {\em The Internet is broken: Idealistic Ideas for Building a GNU 
+       {\bf W3C/IAB Workshop on Strengthening the Internet Against Pervasive 
Monitoring (STRINT)}, 2014.}
+ \item{Jeffrey Burdges, Florian Dold, Christian Grothoff and Marcello Stanisci.
+       {\em Enabling Secure Web Payments with GNU Taler}.
+       {\bf SPACE 2016}.}
+ \item{Florian Dold, Sree Harsha Totakura, Benedikt M\"uller, Jeffrey Burdges 
and Christian Grothoff.
+       {\em Taler: Taxable Anonymous Libre Electronic Reserves}.
+       Available upon request. 2016.}
+ \item{Eli Ben-Sasson, Alessandro Chiesa, Christina Garman, Matthew Green, Ian 
Miers, Eran Tromer and Madars Virza.
+       {\em Zerocash: Decentralized Anonymous Payments from Bitcoin}.
+       {\bf IEEE Symposium on Security \& Privacy, 2016}.}
+ \item{David Chaum, Amos Fiat and Moni Naor.
+       {\em Untraceable electronic cash}.
+       {\bf Proceedings on Advances in Cryptology, 1990}.}
+  \item{Phillip Rogaway.
+       {\em The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work}.
+       {\bf Asiacrypt}, 2015.} \label{bib:rogaway}
+  {\bf Let money facilitate trade; but ensure capital serves society.}
+\begin{frame}{Taler {\tt /withdraw/sign}}
+% Customer withdrawing coins with blind signatures
+% \bigskip
+  \begin{figure}[th]
+    \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\linewidth}
+      \begin{center}
+        \begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.4,
+            transform shape,
+            msglabel/.style    = { text = Black, yshift = .3cm,
+                                   sloped, midway },
+            okmsg/.style       = { ->, color = MidnightBlue, thick,
+                                   >=stealth },
+            rstmsg/.style      = { ->, color = BrickRed, thick,
+                                   >=stealth }
+          ]
+          \node[draw = MidnightBlue,
+            fill = CornflowerBlue,
+            minimum width = .3cm,
+            minimum height = 10cm
+          ] (h1) at (-4, 0) {};
+          \node[draw = MidnightBlue,
+            fill = CornflowerBlue,
+            minimum width = .3cm,
+            minimum height = 10cm
+          ] (h2) at (4, 0) {};
+          \node[above = 0cm of h1] {Wallet};
+          \node[above = 0cm of h2] {Exchange};
+          \path[->, color = MidnightBlue, very thick, >=stealth]
+            (-5, 4.5) edge
+            node[rotate=90, text = Black, yshift = .3cm] {Time}
+            (-5, -4.5);
+          \path[okmsg, dashed]
+             ($(h1.east)+(0, 4.0)+(0, -1.0)$) edge
+             node[msglabel] {SEPA(RK,A)}
+             ($(h2.west)+(0, 3.5)+(0, -1.0)$);
+          \path[okmsg]
+            ($(h1.east)+(0, -1.0)$) edge
+            node[msglabel] {POST {\tt /withdraw/sign} $S_{RK}(DK, B_b(C))$}
+            ($(h2.west)+(0, -1.5)$);
+          \path[okmsg]
+            ($(h2.west)+(0, -2.0)$) edge
+            node[msglabel] {200 OK: $S_{DK}(B_b(C))$)}
+            ($(h1.east)+(0, -2.5)$);
+          \path[rstmsg]
+            ($(h2.west)+(0, -3.5)$) edge
+            node[msglabel] {402 PAYMENT REQUIRED: $S_{RK}(DK, B_b(C))$)}
+            ($(h1.east)+(0, -4)$);
+          \node at (5.3, 0) {};
+        \end{tikzpicture}
+      \end{center}
+      Result: $\langle c, S_{DK}(C) \rangle$.
+    \end{minipage}
+    \hspace{0.5cm}
+    \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\linewidth}
+      \tiny
+      \begin{description}
+      \item[$A$] Some amount, $A \ge A_{DK}$
+      \item[$RK$] Reserve key
+      \item[$DK$] Denomination key
+      \item[$b$] Blinding factor
+      \item[$B_b()$] RSA-FDH blinding % DK supressed
+      \item[$C$] Coin public key $C := cG$
+      \item[$S_{RK}()$] EdDSA signature
+      \item[$S_{DK}()$] RSA-FDH signature
+      \end{description}
+    \end{minipage}
+  \end{figure}
+\begin{frame}[t]{Taler {\tt /deposit}}
+Merchant and exchange see only the public coin $\langle C, S_{DK}(C) \rangle$.
+  \begin{figure}[th]
+    \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\linewidth}
+      \begin{center}
+        \begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.4,
+            transform shape,
+            msglabel/.style    = { text = Black, yshift = .3cm,
+                                   sloped, midway },
+            okmsg/.style       = { ->, color = MidnightBlue, thick,
+                                   >=stealth },
+            rstmsg/.style      = { ->, color = BrickRed, thick,
+                                   >=stealth }
+          ]
+          \node[draw = MidnightBlue,
+            fill = CornflowerBlue,
+            minimum width = .3cm,
+            minimum height = 10cm
+          ] (h1) at (-4, 0) {};
+          \node[draw = MidnightBlue,
+            fill = CornflowerBlue,
+            minimum width = .3cm,
+            minimum height = 10cm
+          ] (h2) at (4, 0) {};
+          \node[above = 0cm of h1] {Merchant};
+          \node[above = 0cm of h2] {Exchange};
+          \path[->, color = MidnightBlue, very thick, >=stealth]
+            (-5, 4.5) edge
+            node[rotate=90, text = Black, yshift = .3cm] {Time}
+            (-5, -4.5);
+          \path[->, color = MidnightBlue, thick, >=stealth]
+            ($(h1.east)+(0,3)$) edge
+            node[text = Black, yshift = .3cm, sloped] {POST {\tt /deposit} 
$S_{DK}(C), S_{c}(D)$}
+            ($(h2.west)+(0,2)$);
+          \path[->, color = MidnightBlue, thick, >=stealth]
+            ($(h2.west)+(0,0.5)$) edge
+            node[text = Black, yshift = .3cm, sloped] {200 OK: 
+            ($(h1.east)+(0,-0.5)$);
+          \path[rstmsg]
+            ($(h2.west)+(0, -2.5)$) edge
+            node[msglabel] {409 CONFLICT: $S_{c}(D')$}
+            ($(h1.east)+(0, -3.5)$);
+          \node at (5.3, 0) {};
+        \end{tikzpicture}
+      \end{center}
+    \end{minipage}
+    \hspace{0.5cm}
+    \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\linewidth}
+      \tiny
+      \begin{description}
+      \item[$DK$] Denomination key
+      \item[$S_{DK}()$] RSA-FDH signature using $DK$
+      \item[$c$] Private coin key, $C := cG$.
+      \item[$S_{C}()$] EdDSA signature using $c$
+      \item[$D$] Deposit details
+      \item[$SK$] Exchange's signing key
+      \item[$S_{SK}()$] EdDSA signature using $SK$
+      \item[$D'$] Conficting deposit details $D' \not= D$
+      \end{description}
+    \end{minipage}
+  \end{figure}
+\begin{frame}{Taler {\tt /refresh/melt}}
+  \begin{figure}[th]
+    \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\linewidth}
+      \begin{center}
+       \begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.4,
+            transform shape,
+            msglabel/.style    = { text = Black, yshift = .3cm,
+                                   sloped, midway },
+            okmsg/.style       = { ->, color = MidnightBlue, thick,
+                                   >=stealth },
+            rstmsg/.style      = { ->, color = BrickRed, thick,
+                                   >=stealth }
+         ]
+         \node[draw = MidnightBlue,
+           fill = CornflowerBlue,
+           minimum width = .3cm,
+           minimum height = 10cm
+         ] (h1) at (-4, 0) {};
+         \node[draw = MidnightBlue,
+           fill = CornflowerBlue,
+           minimum width = .3cm,
+           minimum height = 10cm
+         ] (h2) at (4, 0) {};
+         \node[above = 0cm of h1] {Customer};
+         \node[above = 0cm of h2] {Exchange};
+         \path[->, color = MidnightBlue, very thick, >=stealth]
+           (-5, 4.5) edge
+           node[rotate=90, text = Black, yshift = .3cm] {Time}
+           (-5, -4.5);
+         \path[->, color = MidnightBlue, thick, >=stealth]
+           ($(h1.east)+(0,3)$) edge
+           node[text = Black, yshift = .3cm, sloped] {POST {\tt /refresh/melt} 
$S_{DK}(C), S_c({\cal DK}, {\cal T},{\cal B})$}
+           ($(h2.west)+(0,2)$);
+         \path[->, color = MidnightBlue, thick, >=stealth]
+           ($(h2.west)+(0,0.5)$) edge
+           node[text = Black, yshift = .3cm, sloped] {200 OK: $S_{SK}(H({\cal 
T}, {\cal B}),\gamma)$}
+           ($(h1.east)+(0,-0.5)$);
+         \path[rstmsg]
+           ($(h2.west)+(0, -2.5)$) edge
+           node[msglabel] {409 CONFLICT: $S_{C}(X), \ldots$}
+           ($(h1.east)+(0, -3.5)$);
+         \node at (5.3, 0) {};
+       \end{tikzpicture}
+      \end{center}
+    \end{minipage}
+    \hspace{0.5cm}
+    \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\linewidth}
+      \tiny
+      \begin{description}
+      \item[$\kappa$] System-wide security parameter, usually 3.
+      \\ \smallskip
+      \item[$\cal DK$] $:= [DK^{(i)}]_i$ \\ List of denomination keys \\
+      $D + \sum_i A_{DK^{(i)}} < A_{DK}$
+      \item[$t_j$] Random scalar for $j<\kappa$
+      \item[${\cal T}$] $:= [T_j]_\kappa$ where $T_j = t_j G$
+      \item[$k_j$] $:= c T_j = t_j C$ is an ECDHE
+      \item[$b_j^{(i)}$] $:= KDF_b(k_j,i)$ % blinding factor
+      \item[$c_j^{(i)}$] $:= KDF_c(k_j,i)$ % coin secret keys
+      \item[$C_j^{(i)}$] $: = c_j^{(i)} G$ % new coin publics % keys
+      \item[${\cal B}$] $:= [H( \beta_j )]_\kappa$ where \\
+         $\beta_j := \left[ B_{b_j^{(i)}}(C_j^{(i)}) \right]_i$
+      \\ \smallskip
+      \item[$\gamma$] Random value in $[0,\kappa)$
+%      \\ \smallskip
+%      \item[$X$] Deposit or refresh
+      \end{description}
+    \end{minipage}
+  \end{figure}
+\begin{frame}{Taler {\tt /refresh/reveal}}
+  \begin{figure}[th]
+    \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\linewidth}
+      \begin{center}
+       \begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.4,
+            transform shape,
+            msglabel/.style    = { text = Black, yshift = .3cm,
+                                   sloped, midway },
+            okmsg/.style       = { ->, color = MidnightBlue, thick,
+                                   >=stealth },
+            rstmsg/.style      = { ->, color = BrickRed, thick,
+                                   >=stealth }
+         ]
+         \node[draw = MidnightBlue,
+           fill = CornflowerBlue,
+           minimum width = .3cm,
+           minimum height = 10cm
+         ] (h1) at (-4, 0) {};
+         \node[draw = MidnightBlue,
+           fill = CornflowerBlue,
+           minimum width = .3cm,
+           minimum height = 10cm
+         ] (h2) at (4, 0) {};
+         \node[above = 0cm of h1] {Customer};
+         \node[above = 0cm of h2] {Exchange};
+         \path[->, color = MidnightBlue, very thick, >=stealth]
+           (-5, 4.5) edge
+           node[rotate=90, text = Black, yshift = .3cm] {Time}
+           (-5, -4.5);
+         \path[->, color = MidnightBlue, thick, >=stealth]
+           ($(h1.east)+(0,3)$) edge
+           node[text = Black, yshift = .3cm, sloped] {POST {\tt 
/refresh/reveal} $H({\cal T}, {\cal B}), {\tilde{\cal T}}, \beta_\gamma$}
+           ($(h2.west)+(0,2)$);
+         \path[->, color = MidnightBlue, thick, >=stealth]
+           ($(h2.west)+(0,0.5)$) edge
+           node[text = Black, yshift = .3cm, sloped] {200 OK: $\cal S$}
+           ($(h1.east)+(0,-0.5)$);
+         \path[rstmsg]
+           ($(h2.west)+(0, -2.5)$) edge
+           node[msglabel] {400 BAD REQUEST: $Z$}
+           ($(h1.east)+(0, -3.5)$);
+         \node at (5.3, 0) {};
+       \end{tikzpicture}
+      \end{center}
+    \end{minipage}
+    \hspace{0.5cm}
+    \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\linewidth}
+      \tiny
+      \begin{description}
+      \item[$\cal DK$] $:= [DK^{(i)}]_i$
+      \item[$t_j$] .. \\ \smallskip
+      \item[$\tilde{\cal T}$] $:= [t_j | j \in \kappa, j \neq \gamma]$ \\ 
+      \item[$k_\gamma$] $:= c T_\gamma = t_\gamma C$
+      \item[$b_\gamma^{(i)}$] $:= KDF_b(k_\gamma,i)$
+      \item[$c_\gamma^{(i)}$] $:= KDF_c(k_\gamma,i)$
+      \item[$C_\gamma^{(i)}$] $: = c_\gamma^{(i)} G$
+      \item[$B_\gamma^{(i)}$] $:= B_{b_\gamma^{(i)}}(C_\gamma^{(i)})$
+      \item[$\beta_\gamma$] $:= \big[ B_\gamma^{(i)} \big]_i$
+      \item[$\cal S$] $:= \left[ S_{DK^{(i)}}( B_\gamma^{(i)} ) \right]_i$ \\ 
+      \item[$Z$] Cut-and-choose missmatch information
+      \end{description}
+    \end{minipage}
+  \end{figure}
+\begin{frame}{Taler {\tt /refresh/link}}
+  \begin{figure}[th]
+    \begin{minipage}[b]{0.45\linewidth}
+      \begin{center}
+       \begin{tikzpicture}[scale = 0.4,
+            transform shape,
+            msglabel/.style    = { text = Black, yshift = .3cm,
+                                   sloped, midway },
+            okmsg/.style       = { ->, color = MidnightBlue, thick,
+                                   >=stealth },
+            rstmsg/.style      = { ->, color = BrickRed, thick,
+                                   >=stealth }
+         ]
+         \node[draw = MidnightBlue,
+           fill = CornflowerBlue,
+           minimum width = .3cm,
+           minimum height = 10cm
+         ] (h1) at (-4, 0) {};
+         \node[draw = MidnightBlue,
+           fill = CornflowerBlue,
+           minimum width = .3cm,
+           minimum height = 10cm
+         ] (h2) at (4, 0) {};
+         \node[above = 0cm of h1] {Customer};
+         \node[above = 0cm of h2] {Exchagne};
+         \path[->, color = MidnightBlue, very thick, >=stealth]
+           (-5, 4.5) edge
+           node[rotate=90, text = Black, yshift = .3cm] {Time}
+           (-5, -4.5);
+         \path[->, color = MidnightBlue, thick, >=stealth]
+           ($(h1.east)+(0,3)$) edge
+           node[text = Black, yshift = .3cm, sloped] {POST {\tt /refresh/link} 
+           ($(h2.west)+(0,2)$);
+         \path[->, color = MidnightBlue, thick, >=stealth]
+           ($(h2.west)+(0,0.5)$) edge
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+      \tiny
+      \begin{description}
+      \item[$C$] Old coind public key \\ \smallskip
+      \item[$T_\gamma$] Linkage data $\cal L$ at $\gamma$
+      \end{description}
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