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Re: Proposal: NSBundle frameworkWithName:

From: Stefan Urbanek
Subject: Re: Proposal: NSBundle frameworkWithName:
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2003 18:37:18 +0200

On 2003-08-08 17:21:43 +0200 Nicola Pero <address@hidden> wrote:

Note, that there is already libraryWithName: method as GNUstep extension
for NSBundle. frameworkWithName is alternative to that.

Yes, but -libraryWithName: is still a bit temporary, it's not a polished
API, maybe it's not that great an idea.  The idea behind -libraryWithName:  is 
that a library class could find its own resources by calling
-libraryWithName: with its own name.  For a framework it's different,
because using -frameworkForClass: self should give you the framework
bundle, so a framework does not need that.  Of course -frameworkForClass:  
might not work completely portably on completely all platforms, but when
it does it's very nice.

Is frameworkForClass: supposed to work for not loaded frameworks? If 'class' is 
a Class, then of course not, but if it is a class name, then it should. 
Functionality I am proposing is to be able to get framework bundle without 
knowing it's filesystem path. It should be by name, class or whatever 
identifier - no filesystem involved at all. Is there some method for that?

Speaking about frameworks and classes... another functionality for 
gnustep-make; would it be possible to generate some list of classes contained 
in the framework in some separate file (.plist)? AFAIK, one .m file is 
generated, but that list can be accessed when framework is loaded. What do you 
think about that? Something like:

( MyClass1, MyClass2, ...)

in FrameworkClasses.plist would be sufficient (or in Info.plist).

Besides others, this can be used by 'intelligent' code builders 
(DeveleopmentKit, ProjectCenter, ..).

<rest snipped>


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