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Re: [RFA]: BOOL coding standards (Was: Problemwith+numberWithBool:?)

From: Alexander Malmberg
Subject: Re: [RFA]: BOOL coding standards (Was: Problemwith+numberWithBool:?)
Date: Tue, 03 Feb 2004 00:59:39 +0100

Nicola Pero wrote:
> > Basically, you're claiming that BOOL may only take the values YES and
> > NO, and that anything else is incorrect.
> The Objective-C manual of NeXTstep 3.3 clearly states -
> "The principal types used in Objective C are defined in objc/objc.h.  They
> are:
> id An object (a pointer to its data structure)
> Class A class object (a pointer to the class data structure)
> SEL A selector, a compiler-assigned code that identifies a method name
> IMP A pointer to a method implementation that returns an id
> BOOL A boolean value, either YES or NO"
> This precise definition

This isn't anywhere close to being a precise definition! Applying the
same thing to "id", we find that:

id foo=nil;

is invalid, because nil isn't a pointer to a data structure for an
object, or that:

SEL s=sel_register_name("QUUX");

is invalid, because the "code" won't be assigned by the _compiler_.

Trying to be pedantic about details in statements as vague and
unspecified as this is just silly.

- Alexander Malmberg

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