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Re: [Gnustep-cvs] gnustep/core/gui ChangeLog Source/NSTableView.m

From: Matt Rice
Subject: Re: [Gnustep-cvs] gnustep/core/gui ChangeLog Source/NSTableView.m
Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 17:48:10 -0700 (PDT)

--- Fred Kiefer <address@hidden> wrote:

> Matt Rice wrote:
> > --- Enrico Sersale <address@hidden> wrote:
> >>Just to be more precise :) ... I'm not referring
> to
> >>this; I've fixed it implementing -copyWithZone: in
> >>my cell class when I've seen that gworkspace
> >>segfaults trying to release an ivar of this class.
> >>The real problem is that it is not possible
> anymore
> >>to start a drag from a cell (this is visible in
> >>GNUMail, too). Making -startTrackingAt:inView: to
> >>return NO in the cell class fixes this problem
> too,
> >>but I think that there is something wrong in
> >>-mouseDown: because, before theese changes, both
> the
> >>apps worked well.
> > 
> > indeed I don't think that should be required
> either.
> > (though looking at the docs i noticed that
> > -startTrackingAt:inView:... returns NO if the view
> > doesn't send actions on dragging or periodic
> events
> > 
> > it isn't clear whether this affects the return
> value
> > of trackMouse:inRect:... 
> > 
> > anyhow a little testing shows you are correct.
> > 
> > this changes the behaviour of trackMouse:inRect:..
> > slightly to cope with an event that happened in
> the pa
> > 
> > in a dragging source table view
> > trackMouse:mouseDownEvent will be sent after the
> mouse
> > has gone up (when it is clear that no dragging has
> > been started).. though this severely limits the
> cells
> > which will work with one
> > 
> > sure isn't pretty though, that's probably
> fixable..
> > 
> This is a rather huge patch, could you please
> describe in more detail, 
> what you are aiming at with it? What did you test
> and how does MacOSX 
> differ from the current GNUstep behaviour?

it differs quite a bit but I didn't test very much..
just what happens wrt dragging source table views wrt

(which i'll reiterate) they don't send the mouse down
until mouse up has been sent and it is determined that
a drag operation hasn't started.

also that starting dragging operation in no way
affects the selection, though (to state the obvious...
starting a dragging operation on a selection drags the
selection). I personally prefer the GNUstep behaviour
of starting a drag operation modifies the selection.

so the trackMouse: code has basically been moved into
3 places...

1) after it has been determined there is no dragging
operation in progress..

2) when the delegate returns no for
shouldEditTableColumn: in a double click event
and this was changed a bit to handle more than just
double click but >1 so that each successive click
for instance with a switch button changes the state.

3) if table view isn't a dragging source send
trackMouse:... immediately

and the double click code brought into the loop (since
its looping over the events -mouseDown: was not
getting called with a clickCount over 1...)

and after the trackMouse:... code set the
getNextEvent: flag if the current event isn't the
lastEvent so that it'll loop again and handle any
mouse down event so next time mouseDown: is called it
doesn't think we're extending the selection or
something... this happens for all but the first case,
where it doesn't matter since we're at a mouse up
event and it'll never get to the point of looking at
the getNextEvent flag.

> Most of what changed looks like just a reformatting,
> which should be 
> harmless, but this makes it hard to see the actual
> change itself. Would 
> it be possible to provide a different patch, which
> tries to keep the old 
> formatting (perhaps by using some dummy {}
> combination)? Even the old 
> mouseDown: method here was unreadable, but the patch
> realy is 
> incomprehensible for me in its current form.

yes sorry about that, I accidentally overwrote my code
i had before the formatting changes, and wasn't
exactly ecstatic about that...

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Index: NSTableView.m
RCS file: /cvsroot/gnustep/gnustep/core/gui/Source/NSTableView.m,v
retrieving revision 1.118
diff -u -r1.118 NSTableView.m
--- NSTableView.m       30 May 2005 17:01:21 -0000      1.118
+++ NSTableView.m       6 Jun 2005 00:12:24 -0000
@@ -3332,7 +3332,32 @@
   NSPoint initialLocation = [theEvent locationInWindow];
   NSPoint location;
-  int clickCount;
+  // Selection
+  unsigned int modifiers = [theEvent modifierFlags];
+  unsigned int eventMask = (NSLeftMouseUpMask 
+                           | NSLeftMouseDownMask
+                           | NSLeftMouseDraggedMask 
+                           | NSPeriodicMask);
+  unsigned selectionMode;
+  NSPoint mouseLocationWin;
+  NSPoint mouseLocationView;
+  NSDate *distantFuture = [NSDate distantFuture];
+  NSEvent *lastEvent;
+  NSIndexSet *oldSelectedRows;
+  BOOL startedPeriodicEvents = NO;
+  BOOL mouseUp = NO;
+  BOOL done = NO;
+  BOOL mouseMoved = NO;
+  BOOL draggingPossible = [self _isDraggingSource];
+  BOOL getNextEvent = YES;
+  NSRect visibleRect = [self convertRect: [self visibleRect]
+                                 toView: nil];
+  float minYVisible = NSMinY (visibleRect);
+  float maxYVisible = NSMaxY (visibleRect);
+  float oldPeriod = 0;
+  int originalRow;
+  int oldRow = -1;
+  int currentRow = -1;
   // Pathological case -- ignore mouse down
   if ((_numberOfRows == 0) || (_numberOfColumns == 0))
@@ -3341,70 +3366,12 @@
-  clickCount = [theEvent clickCount];
-  if (clickCount > 2)
-    {
-      return;
-    }
   // Determine row and column which were clicked
   location = [self convertPoint: initialLocation fromView: nil];
   _clickedRow  = [self rowAtPoint: location];
+  originalRow = _clickedRow;
   _clickedColumn = [self columnAtPoint: location];
-  if (clickCount == 2)
-    {
-      // Double-click event
-      NSTableColumn *tb;
-      if ([self isRowSelected: _clickedRow] == NO)
-        {
-         return;
-       }
-      tb = [_tableColumns objectAtIndex: _clickedColumn];
-      if (([tb isEditable] == NO) || 
-         ([self _shouldEditTableColumn: tb 
-                row: _clickedRow] == NO))
-        {
-         // Send double-action but don't edit
-         [self sendAction: _doubleAction to: _target];
-       }
-      else
-        {
-         // It is OK to edit column.  Go on, do it.
-         [self editColumn: _clickedColumn row: _clickedRow
-               withEvent: theEvent select: YES];
-       }
-    }
-  else 
-    {
-      // Selection
-      unsigned int modifiers = [theEvent modifierFlags];
-      unsigned int eventMask = (NSLeftMouseUpMask 
-                               | NSLeftMouseDownMask
-                               | NSLeftMouseDraggedMask 
-                               | NSPeriodicMask);
-      unsigned selectionMode;
-      NSPoint mouseLocationWin;
-      NSPoint mouseLocationView;
-      NSDate *distantFuture = [NSDate distantFuture];
-      NSEvent *lastEvent;
-      NSIndexSet *oldSelectedRows;
-      BOOL startedPeriodicEvents = NO;
-      BOOL mouseUp = NO;
-      BOOL done = NO;
-      BOOL mouseMoved = NO;
-      BOOL draggingPossible = [self _isDraggingSource];
-      NSRect visibleRect = [self convertRect: [self visibleRect]
-                                toView: nil];
-      float minYVisible = NSMinY (visibleRect);
-      float maxYVisible = NSMaxY (visibleRect);
-      float oldPeriod = 0;
-      int originalRow = _clickedRow;
-      int oldRow = -1;
-      int currentRow = -1;
       selectionMode = 0;
       if (_allowsMultipleSelection == YES)
@@ -3451,57 +3418,6 @@
       mouseLocationView = location;
       lastEvent = theEvent;
-      if ([self mouse: mouseLocationView inRect: _bounds])
-        {
-         NSTableColumn *tb;
-         NSCell *cell;
-         NSRect cellFrame;
-         id originalValue;
-         // Prepare the cell
-         tb = [_tableColumns objectAtIndex: _clickedColumn];
-         // It is unclear, if we should copy the cell here, as we do on 
-         cell = [tb dataCellForRow: _clickedRow];
-         originalValue = RETAIN([self _objectValueForTableColumn:tb 
-         [cell setObjectValue: originalValue]; 
-         cellFrame = [self frameOfCellAtColumn: _clickedColumn 
-                               row: _clickedRow];
-          [cell setHighlighted: YES];
-         [self setNeedsDisplayInRect: cellFrame];
-         /* give delegate a chance to i.e set target */
-         [self _willDisplayCell: cell
-                 forTableColumn: tb
-                            row: _clickedRow];
-         if ([cell trackMouse: lastEvent
-                       inRect: cellFrame
-                       ofView: self
-                 untilMouseUp: [[cell class] prefersTrackingUntilMouseUp]])
-           {
-             id newValue = [cell objectValue];
-             if ([tb isEditable] && ![originalValue isEqual: newValue])
-               {
-                 [self _setObjectValue: newValue 
-                        forTableColumn: tb
-                                   row: _clickedRow];
-               } 
-             done = YES;
-             currentRow = _clickedRow;
-             computeNewSelection(self,
-                                 oldSelectedRows, 
-                                 _selectedRows,
-                                 originalRow,
-                                 oldRow,
-                                 currentRow,
-                                 &_selectedRow,
-                                 selectionMode);
-           }
-         RELEASE(originalValue);    
-         [cell setHighlighted: NO];
-         [self setNeedsDisplayInRect: cellFrame];
-         lastEvent = [NSApp currentEvent];
-       }
       while (done != YES)
@@ -3534,6 +3450,54 @@
                      shouldComputeNewSelection = YES;
+               if (draggingPossible == YES)
+                 {
+                   NSTableColumn *tb;
+                   NSCell *cell;
+                   NSRect cellFrame;
+                   id originalValue;
+                   tb = [_tableColumns objectAtIndex: _clickedColumn];
+                   cell = [tb dataCellForRow: _clickedRow];
+                   originalValue = RETAIN([self _objectValueForTableColumn:tb
+                                                       row:_clickedRow]);
+                   [cell setObjectValue: originalValue]; 
+                   cellFrame = [self frameOfCellAtColumn: _clickedColumn 
+                                                     row: _clickedRow];
+                   [cell setHighlighted: YES];
+                   [self setNeedsDisplayInRect: cellFrame];
+                   /* give delegate a chance to i.e set target */
+                   [self _willDisplayCell: cell
+                           forTableColumn: tb
+                                      row: _clickedRow];
+                   /* send the orignal mouse down event
+                    * NSCell -trackMouse:... needs to be able to handle
+                    * mouseUp being the -[NSApp currentEvent]
+                    * this also means that cells which are continuous or
+                    * rely on NSLeftMouseDragged wont work if dragging is
+                    * possible.
+                    */
+                    if ([cell trackMouse: theEvent 
+                                  inRect: cellFrame
+                                  ofView: self
+                            untilMouseUp:[[cell class]
+                                            prefersTrackingUntilMouseUp]])
+                      {
+                        id newValue = [cell objectValue];
+                        if ([tb isEditable]
+                            && ![originalValue isEqual: newValue])
+                          {
+                            [self _setObjectValue: newValue 
+                                   forTableColumn: tb
+                                              row: _clickedRow];
+                          }
+                      }
+                    RELEASE(originalValue);    
+                    [cell setHighlighted: NO];
+                    [self setNeedsDisplayInRect: cellFrame];
+                  }
@@ -3545,6 +3509,74 @@
            case NSLeftMouseDown:
            case NSLeftMouseDragged:
+           if ([lastEvent type] == NSLeftMouseDown
+               && [lastEvent clickCount] > 1)
+              {
+                // Double-click event
+                NSTableColumn *tb;
+               if ([self isRowSelected: _clickedRow] == NO)
+                 {
+                   return;
+                 }
+               tb = [_tableColumns objectAtIndex: _clickedColumn];
+               if (([tb isEditable] == NO) ||
+                    ([self _shouldEditTableColumn: tb
+                                               row: _clickedRow] == NO))
+                 {
+                   // Send double-action but don't edit
+                   NSTableColumn *tb;
+                   NSCell *cell;
+                   NSRect cellFrame;
+                   id originalValue;
+                   tb = [_tableColumns objectAtIndex: _clickedColumn];
+                   cell = [tb dataCellForRow: _clickedRow];
+                   originalValue = RETAIN([self _objectValueForTableColumn:tb
+                                                       row:_clickedRow]);
+                   [cell setObjectValue: originalValue]; 
+                   cellFrame = [self frameOfCellAtColumn: _clickedColumn 
+                                 row: _clickedRow];
+                    [cell setHighlighted: YES];
+                   [self setNeedsDisplayInRect: cellFrame];
+                   /* give delegate a chance to i.e set target */
+                   [self _willDisplayCell: cell
+                           forTableColumn: tb
+                                      row: _clickedRow];
+                   if ([cell trackMouse: theEvent
+                               inRect: cellFrame
+                               ofView: self
+                               untilMouseUp:[[cell class]
+                                             prefersTrackingUntilMouseUp]])
+                     {
+                       id newValue = [cell objectValue];
+                       if ([tb isEditable] &&
+                           ![originalValue isEqual: newValue])
+                         {
+                           [self _setObjectValue: newValue 
+                                       forTableColumn: tb
+                                       row: _clickedRow];
+                         }
+                     }
+                   RELEASE(originalValue);    
+                   [cell setHighlighted: NO];
+                   [self setNeedsDisplayInRect: cellFrame];
+                   getNextEvent = (lastEvent == [NSApp currentEvent]);
+                   [self sendAction: _doubleAction to: _target];
+                 }
+               else
+                 {
+                   // It is OK to edit column.  Go on, do it.
+                   [self editColumn: _clickedColumn
+                                row: _clickedRow
+                          withEvent: theEvent
+                             select: YES];
+                 }
+             }
+           else
+             {
              mouseLocationWin = [lastEvent locationInWindow];
              mouseLocationView = [self convertPoint: mouseLocationWin 
                                        fromView: nil];
@@ -3635,6 +3667,10 @@
              else if ((mouseLocationWin.y > minYVisible) 
                       && (mouseLocationWin.y < maxYVisible))
+                   NSTableColumn *tb;
+                   NSCell *cell;
+                   NSRect cellFrame;
+                   id originalValue;
                  // mouse dragged within table
                  if (startedPeriodicEvents == YES)
@@ -3651,6 +3687,39 @@
                      shouldComputeNewSelection = YES;
+                   tb = [_tableColumns objectAtIndex: _clickedColumn];
+                   cell = [tb dataCellForRow: _clickedRow];
+                   originalValue = RETAIN([self _objectValueForTableColumn:tb
+                                                       row:_clickedRow]);
+                   [cell setObjectValue: originalValue]; 
+                   cellFrame = [self frameOfCellAtColumn: _clickedColumn 
+                                 row: _clickedRow];
+                    [cell setHighlighted: YES];
+                   [self setNeedsDisplayInRect: cellFrame];
+                   /* give delegate a chance to i.e set target */
+                   [self _willDisplayCell: cell
+                           forTableColumn: tb
+                                      row: _clickedRow];
+                   if ([cell trackMouse: theEvent
+                               inRect: cellFrame
+                               ofView: self
+                               untilMouseUp:[[cell class]
+                                             prefersTrackingUntilMouseUp]])
+                     {
+                       id newValue = [cell objectValue];
+                       if ([tb isEditable] &&
+                           ![originalValue isEqual: newValue])
+                         {
+                           [self _setObjectValue: newValue 
+                                       forTableColumn: tb
+                                       row: _clickedRow];
+                         }
+                     }
+                   RELEASE(originalValue);    
+                   [cell setHighlighted: NO];
+                   [self setNeedsDisplayInRect: cellFrame];
+                   getNextEvent = (lastEvent == [NSApp currentEvent]);
@@ -3678,6 +3747,7 @@
                    mouseUp = YES;
+             }
            case NSPeriodic:
              if (mouseUp == NO)
@@ -3723,10 +3793,17 @@
          if (done == NO)
+             if (getNextEvent == YES)
              lastEvent = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask: eventMask 
                                 untilDate: distantFuture
                                 inMode: NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode 
                                 dequeue: YES]; 
+             else
+               {
+                 lastEvent = [NSApp currentEvent];
+                 getNextEvent = YES;
+               }
@@ -3752,7 +3829,6 @@
          [self sendAction: _action  to: _target];
-    }
Index: NSCell.m
RCS file: /cvsroot/gnustep/gnustep/core/gui/Source/NSCell.m,v
retrieving revision 1.170
diff -u -r1.170 NSCell.m
--- NSCell.m    26 May 2005 02:52:43 -0000      1.170
+++ NSCell.m    6 Jun 2005 00:12:27 -0000
@@ -1362,8 +1362,10 @@
       NSEventType      eventType;
       BOOL             pointIsInCell;
       unsigned         periodCount = 0;
-      theEvent = [theApp nextEventMatchingMask: event_mask
+      if (theEvent != [NSApp currentEvent])
+       theEvent = [NSApp currentEvent];
+      else
+        theEvent = [theApp nextEventMatchingMask: event_mask
                                     untilDate: nil
                                        inMode: NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode
                                       dequeue: YES];

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