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[PATCH] Minor fix in NSWindowController

From: Quentin Mathé
Subject: [PATCH] Minor fix in NSWindowController
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 01:19:26 +0100


Here is a little patch to have proper window controller deallocation when used in document architecture context. It is based on an initial bug report by Saso Kiselkov.
I'm going to briefly summarize Cocoa documentation…
When you are using a window controller within the document
achitecture context (NSDocument + NSDocumentController), -
-releasedWhenClosed value isn't taken in account : when a window is
closed, the window is always released by the window controller,
itself released by the document object. That's not true for a window
controller used alone.

To enter in the details, in our case, the current NSWindowController
code includes a dubious retain call on its window ivar (within
_windowWillClose: private method). This prevents the window to be
correctly deallocated unlike its window controller.

The -retain call currently presents code is unbalanced, that results in a memory leak and sometimes in a segmentation fault. For example… You decide to use a toolbar with your document window and the document object plays the role of the toolbar delegate. When the document window is closed, the window controller and the document object are released, but the document window is not (and its toolbar neither). The next time you are going to open or create an identical document, a new document window will be created with a fresh toolbar. When you are going to manipulate this toolbar, it will try to propagate its state to other toolbars still in use with the same identifier. At this moment, the undeallocated toolbar will try to ask its delegate for items, but the delegate (document object) has already been deallocated, this invalid pointer access will then trigger a segmentation fault.
The fix just consists to remove the -retain call, then everything is  
properly deallocated on document window closing. Since I don't really  
understand the explanation in the comment related to the offending  
line), I'm perhaps missing an important detail in with this patch,  
yet I have experienced no issue in my tests with this fix.

Attachment: WindowController.patch
Description: Binary data

Quentin Mathé

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