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Re: Release critical bug in NSToolbarItem

From: Quentin Mathé
Subject: Re: Release critical bug in NSToolbarItem
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 20:21:52 +0100

Hi Fred,

Le 9 mars 08 à 16:28, Fred Kiefer a écrit :

Putting it into the bug tracker wont help as long as nobody takes up the
task to solve the issue :-)
Which is what I did myself already. I provided a workaround in the
toolbar code right after reporting the issue. What I wanted to prevent
was Adam doing a release with this problem not addressed.
In general you are of course correct, we should put all the issues we
find in the bug tracker, even if we are the ones o work on them later. I
already have taken up this habit for all more complex issues.

My solution is currently only a hack. This is due to my missing
understanding of the NSToolbar related code. To me it is even unclear,
why there is GSToolbar and NSToolbar.

When I wrote NSToolbar implementation, I introduced GSToolbar superclass in order to allow inserting a toolbar anywhere in a window and not just underneath the title bar as NSToolbar only supports it. If you run ToolbarExample from gui examples, you can see a demo of this feature. May be I stretched the API a bit too far and we should either remove this feature or merge NSToolbar and GSToolbar into a single class. GSToolbar doesn't allow to change display and size modes once it has been initialized. That's the main difference with NSToolbar that mainly adds methods --setDisplayMode:, -setSizeMode: which alters the toolbar view frame. This resizing can easily be handled automatically in NSToolbar case because the toolbar is always located at the top of the window.

As for GSToolbarButton, I have the
impression that this class uses an ivar to store the action, instead of
passing it to the cell as would be the normal case, because of the
recursion to bumped into. With that properly resolved it looks like we
could clean up more of the NSToolbar cluster. But is my hack a proper
solution? I am not sure. While investigating the code I found a second
recursion, also stopped by my patch.

I would need to take a deeper look at it, but iirc I introduced these not-so-clean workarounds because of issues I encountered with actions and -mouseDown: when using NSButton and NSButtonCell three years ago. Toolbar buttons have to be highlighted on mouse down and send the action on mouse up. If they are selectable (like tabs), the same behavior must occur on -[NSToobar setSelectedItemIdentifier:] but the highlighting must be retained until another selectable item in the toolbar is clicked or or selected with the previous method in code. The code can probably be rewritten in a more natural way today.

To me this looks like the tasks are not clearly separated between the
different components. But then I am not sure, there may be some code out
there, that relies on any of the strange looking features here.

-_setSelected: shouldn't invoke -performClick: probably but rather just changes the state of the toolbar button to be highlighted, redraws it and sends the action. Calling -performClick: was convenient because -_setSelected: must do precisely what happens when the user clicks a toolbar item that is selectable. I think that was my reasoning at the time I wrote this code. Another point is that it could be more correct or cleaner to handle most of -_setSelected: logic in -[GS/NSToolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier:].

Quentin is able to shed some light here. I was hoping for him to reply
to my mail. Perhaps I need to integrate his changes to NSOutlineView
first :-)



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