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Re: Memory Management

From: David Chisnall
Subject: Re: Memory Management
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 23:53:17 +0100

On 14 Jul 2009, at 23:44, Stefan Bidigaray wrote:

According to the apple docs whenever a sound is created using - iniWithContentsOfFile:byReference: or a name is set using -setName: I must be able to later find it using the +soundNamed: method, at least that's how I understand it. Because the NSSound object is retained when added to the nameDict dictionary I will have 1 extra retain that what I would want and the sound will never get deallocated. The problem I'm having a hard time solving here is: I must keep the NSSound object in nameDict in order to be able to return it whenever +soundNamed: is called, but doing so will increase my ref count +1 and I do not want that.

Named sounds should not be released - they are expected to last the entire duration of the program. In -setName: you should have something like this:

[self retain];
// Remove from the dictionary if it previously had a name
if (_name)
        [nameDict removeObjectForKey: _name];
// Add to the dictionary if the name is non-nil
if (aName)
        [nameDict setObject: self forKey: aName];
ASSIGN(_name, aName);
[self release];


P.S. If you want a proper code review, you can upload a diff to the Étoilé review board ( - it is set up for reviewing GNUstep code as well as Étoilé, just select the correct repository root.

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