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Re: Memory Management

From: Stefan Bidigaray
Subject: Re: Memory Management
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 18:41:29 -0500

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 5:53 PM, David Chisnall <address@hidden> wrote:
Named sounds should not be released - they are expected to last the entire duration of the program.

Should I not set the name when initialize the sound then?  My code, and the previous one as well, named the sound whatever is returned by -lastPathComponent.  The original code did not add this to the dictionary, though, which made it impossible to find the sound by name.

Hmm... I just went over the NSSound docs again and it looks like a -name can return nil on NSSounds that have not been named.  So I guess I got this part wrong.  And assuming named sound should last until the end of the problem, I'll go ahead and remove that stuff.

P.S.  If you want a proper code review, you can upload a diff to the Étoilé review board ( - it is set up for reviewing GNUstep code as well as Étoilé, just select the correct repository root.

I'll upload the diff whenever I'm not getting any more crashes.

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