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Re: headers in sub-subdirectories, and gnustep-make 2.2.1

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: headers in sub-subdirectories, and gnustep-make 2.2.1
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 2010 23:07:01 +0100
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Am 07.02.2010 21:06, schrieb Nicola Pero:
> I implemented having headers in sub-subdirectories.
> For example, consider a framework called Beauty.  Let's you have headers
>  Beauty_HEADER_FILES = Beauty.h Vanity.h
> then your headers would be in
>   Beauty/Beauty.h
>   Beauty/Vanity.h
> and end up installed as in
>  Beauty.framework/Beauty/Beauty.h
>  Beauty.framework/Beauty/Vanity.h
> and you include them as in
>   #import <Beauty/Beauty.h>
>   #import <Beauty/Vanity.h>
> Now the new feature is that you can specify headers that live in
> subdirectories, as in
>  Beauty_HEADER_FILES = Beauty.h Vanity.h Pride/Pride.h
> (note the last one, Pride/Pride.h) then your headers would be in
>   Beauty/Beauty.h
>   Beauty/Vanity.h
>   Beauty/Pride/Pride.h
> and end up installed as in
>  Beauty.framework/Headers/Beauty.h
>  Beauty.framework/Headers/Vanity.h
>  Beauty.framework/Headers/Pride/Pride.h
> (note: the last header requires creating a directory, which is now
> automatically created for you)

What does this mean? Do you have to break the installation in three
steps. First install the rest, then create a directory manually and then
install the last header file? I don't believe this is what you
implemented. Could you just explain it a bit more?

> and you include them as in
>   #import <Beauty/Beauty.h>
>   #import <Beauty/Vanity.h>
>   #import <Beauty/Pride/Pride.h>
> ---
> As soon as this change has been tested, I'd like to release gnustep-make
> trunk as gnustep-make 2.2.1.
> I guess we could wait a week or two, then we could release. :-)
> I have other changes I'd like to make, but it's worth shipping the
> current batch of changes to end-users first. :-)
> Thanks
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