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GNUstep on cygwin

From: Vincent Richomme
Subject: GNUstep on cygwin
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2010 16:41:11 +0100
User-agent: RoundCube Webmail/0.2

Unfortunately gdb debugger doesn't work very well with objective-C on
mingw platform
so  I think it would be better if I first try cairo on cygwin.

Here is the results of my investigations :

As you can see there I had to make some modifications to compile it:

- comment #include <GNUstepBase/GSCategories.h> because it doesnt' exist
- remove specific cygwin code in NSBitmapImageRep+JPEG.m
- manually add to the command line the -lXmu switch

And now I have :

Creating libgnustep-back-017.bundle/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist...
plmerge: Uncaught exception NSRangeException, reason: in
substringFromRange:, range { 0, 2 } extends beyond size (1)
make[3]: *** [libgnustep-back-017.bundle/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist]
Error 1
make[3]: *** Deleting file
make[2]: *** [libgnustep-back-017.all.bundle.variables] Error 2

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