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Re: Google Summer of Code

From: Niels Grewe
Subject: Re: Google Summer of Code
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 23:54:49 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Hello all,

Adam beat me to the punch on sending out an e-mail about the GSoC and I
can only thank him for the warm welcome, and of course Fred for agreeing
to mentor me. I'm really excited about working on a GNUstep project this
summer, although my proposal seems very much lackluster when compared to
Eric's project (Seriously! Let him tell you about it, it's shiny…).
What I'm going to work on is a proper bridge between GNUstep's native
Distributed Objects IPC mechanism and D-Bus (aka "poor man's DO"). The
idea is that using D-Bus objects from Objective-C code (or vending
objects via D-Bus) should be (for common cases) possible by sending the
well-known messages to NSConnection and friends. That way, we would be
able to leverage the plethora of software that exposes D-Bus interfaces.

Of course this kind of task has been attempted before, and while my
tasks will include sifting through it and salvaging whatever seems
(re-)usable, I hope to do one better and present something really
polished by the end of the summer. In the meantime, I will keep you
posted about progress, or – more likely – nag you with whatever crazy
problems I might stumble upon.



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