Dear GNUsteppers,
I am writing a scientific imaging application, which should display a
live video coming from camera with some grid and text superimposed on
I have achieved the basic operation using NSBitmapImageRep, filled
with camera images, displayed by a descendant of NSView.
The GNUstep GUI (application event loop) runs in one thread, while
the camera input runs in another thread (there is a blocking select).
The problem is, how to notify the GUI, that redrawing of camera image
is needed. I thought, that NSView->setNeedsDisplay: YES exists for
this purpose, however, it does not seem to work for me. The image is
not updated, until some GUI events interrupt the loop (eg. mouse
How can I solve this issue? It would be fine, if I could somehow
propagate the request from another thread. If this is not possible, I
would appreciate at least, if GNUstep supports external "file"
events, like XtAppAddInput in XToolkit. Does it?
And the second question is, whether I have chosen the right method of
image display: I am calling NSBitmapImageRep->draw from within
ImgView->drawRect:, where ImgView is descendant of NSView. Camera is
grabbing at few fps, 640x480x8bit, calling [imgView setNeedsDisplay:
YES]; if the event queue is being refreshed by continuous mouse
motion, I can easily get CPU load 60% on my 3GHz Pentium. (Similar
program under Gtk takes 2% CPU.) So I am asking, whether, and what am
I doing wrong.
And my last question, do you know about some program or a demo under
GNUstep, displaying live "webcam"?
Thank you very much for your help.
Best regards,
Gnustep-dev mailing list