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Re: NSNumberFormatter segfault when using -initWithCoder

From: Eric Wasylishen
Subject: Re: NSNumberFormatter segfault when using -initWithCoder
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 20:29:35 -0600

Just a small tweak to my suggested pattern for having -init and -initWithCoder 
share implementation. 

Maybe the shared code should be in a method, but if it is, we have to ensure 
that the methods are never overridden and each supercalss/subclass has a unique 
one. To ensure this we could require the method be given a name like 

Also I realized the method should return self, so if there is some fatal error, 
it can release itself and cause the real -init or -initWithCoder to return nil.

So, here's my updated pattern suggestion:

@implementation MyClass

- (id) _MyClassInit
        self->someCArray = malloc(100);
        self->someValue = 123;

        if (someFailure)
                [self release];
                return nil;

        return self;

- (id) init
        self = [super init];
        self = [self _MyClassInit];
        return self;

- (id)initWithCoder: (NSCoder*)coder
        self = [super initWithCoder: coder];
        self = [self _MyClassInit];
        if ([coder containsValueForKey: @"foo"]) [self setFoo: [coder 
decodeObjectForKey: @"foo"]];
        if ([coder containsValueForKey: @"bar"]) [self setBar: [coder 
decodeObjectForKey: @"bar"]];
        return self;



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