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Re: pl2link : output valid categories and ease packaging

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: pl2link : output valid categories and ease packaging
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2012 10:28:43 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:11.0) Gecko/20120312 Thunderbird/11.0

Committed. Sorry for taking that long. I was away over the weekend.


On 14.04.2012 22:53, Philippe Roussel wrote:
Le 19/03/2012 11:27, Fred Kiefer a écrit :
On 18.03.2012 23:24, Philippe Roussel wrote:

When building an application, a .desktop file is generated with data
gathered from the .plist file when possible and from static strings when
not. One os the fields, Categories, is set to X-GNUstep. As this isn't a
valid freedesktop category, every package has to ship its own .desktop
file for the application to appear in the right menu.

To fix this, I would like to propose adding a new and optional
FreeDesktopCategories array in the applications .plist files, together
with the following patch :

Index: Tools/pl2link.m
--- Tools/pl2link.m (révision 34938)
+++ Tools/pl2link.m (copie de travail)
@@ -102,8 +102,18 @@
fileContents = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity: 200];
[fileContents appendString:
@"[Desktop Entry]\nEncoding=UTF-8\nType=Application\n"];
- [fileContents appendString:
- @"Categories=X-GNUstep;\n"];
+ list = [plist objectForKey: @"FreeDesktopCategories"];
+ if (list != nil&&  [list isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]]&&  [list
count]>  0)
+ {
+ [fileContents appendString: @"Categories="];
+ [fileContents appendString: [list componentsJoinedByString: @";"]];
+ [fileContents appendString: @";\n"];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [fileContents appendString:
+ @"Categories=X-GNUstep;\n"];
+ }
entry = [plist objectForKey: @"ApplicationName"];
if (entry != nil)

Comments ?

Fine by me.

Could you please commit it ?


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