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Re: Pixen 0.1 Compiles OK (lot of warnings of course) Starts Up and Imme

From: Luboš Doležel
Subject: Re: Pixen 0.1 Compiles OK (lot of warnings of course) Starts Up and Immediately Crashes
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 09:19:34 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:9.0) Gecko/20111222 Thunderbird/9.0.1 AquaMail/ (build: 2100174)

Dne 25. ledna 2013 6:11:24 Abhi Beckert <address@hidden> napsal:
On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 10:16 PM, Luboš Doležel <address@hidden> wrote:

> I tried to make the current binary work with GNUstep, but it needs the
> WebKit.framework:
> $ dyld Contents/MacOS/Pixen
> Cannot load @loader_path/../Frameworks/**Sparkle.framework/Versions/A/**Sparkle: > Cannot load /System/Library/Frameworks/**WebKit.framework/Versions/A/**WebKit:
> File not found: /System/Library/Frameworks/**WebKit.framework/Versions/A/*
> *WebKit
> WebKit.framework seems to be a hell of an API to reimplement...

Is it only Sparkle that needs WebKit? Sparkle is an open source (see
GitHub) framework for downloading/crypto-analysing/installing new versions
of an app. It only uses WebKit to render release notes.
- Abhi
I definitely see CoreGraphics calls, UTType* calls, CoreAnimation 
calls, QTKit calls. But the WebKit functions actually don't seem to be 
used in the main binary, this dynamic linker reference seems extraneous 
(--as-needed would remove it).
It is very sad that projects corebase or opal don't yet integrate well 
with base/gui :-(
Luboš Doležel

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