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Consequent starting of WebServer isn't possible

From: Sergei Golovin
Subject: Consequent starting of WebServer isn't possible
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2014 08:27:04 +0400


Another problem. I need to start NSURLConnection tests consequently.
That means that after a test starting WebServer has been completed another test is started.
If the former shuts down it's WebServer instance the latter should start it's own instance.
There is the problem i have. It seems the second WebServer instance starts fine but any connection
to it fails forĀ  'Connection refused'. And i get

Uncaught exception NSInternalInconsistencyException, reason: Deallocating an active thread without [+exit]!

at the end of the second test on destroying of the WebServer instance.

A simplified test session is attached.

Sergei Golovin

Attachment: ConsequentWebServers.tar.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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