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[CFT] base and libobjc2 changes [Re: Upcoming 0.26.0, please review rele

From: David Chisnall
Subject: [CFT] base and libobjc2 changes [Re: Upcoming 0.26.0, please review release notes]
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2017 17:35:07 +0000

On 14 Dec 2017, at 10:32, David Chisnall <address@hidden> wrote:
> I have submitted PR19, which cleans up the layering between libobjc2 and 
> -base for reference counting.  This is now passing all of the tests in Travis 
> and, for me, works with both libobjc2 trunk and the weakref branch (which 
> improves a bunch of ARC stuff and which I’d like to push to master soon).

This is now committed, along with a fix for the issue that Andreas Fink found 
related to Linux and FreeBSD interpreting weak symbols in shared libraries 
differently (Linux interprets them as identical to strong if a definition is 

> While doing this, I realised that the last release of libobjc2 was over two 
> years ago and there have been a *lot* of improvements since then[1].  It 
> would be good to push a new libobjc2 release out over Christmas, but getting 
> all of the ARC improvements in there requires PR19 being merged to -base (and 
> a -base release).

I have now merged the changes to libobjc2 to trunk and think it’s probably in a 
good state for a release.  Please test!


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