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Re: Eggplant (formerly Testplant) Forks

From: Gregory Casamento
Subject: Re: Eggplant (formerly Testplant) Forks
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2020 09:03:42 -0500


First and foremost, thank you for doing this.  It is much easier to keep track of what is going on this way than by using a zip/tgz archive.  I had discussed with Jonathan the possibility of a project to get eggplant onto the latest of GNUstep which has advanced significantly beyond the branch you guys are using (except of course for any enhancements you guys have added).  I will ping him separately about that.

Fred, the version I sent to you is the latest that was located on the website, so it should be up to date as far as I know.  Hopefully there are no disruptive changes in anything your are merging.

Also, I agree with Fred, Marcian's work on the XIB changes are excellent, well done, and highly appreciated.

Yours, GC

On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 6:53 PM Adam Fox <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Fred -

I concur that it would have been better to do this MUCH sooner and apologize for the inconvenience.  Please know that we are committed to not getting that out-of-sync again, it has been costly for us as well.

I understand that it will cost you a lot of time to look through the changes, and we sincerely appreciate it.  Ideally we would create feature-based merge requests (and intend on doing that going forward), but I suspect that you may be interested in going through the changes faster than we will have the time to make clean merge requests for existing commits.  Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help you get that done faster.

Finally, I forgot to mention before that in an effort to improve our unit testing, we added some basic XCTest support to our code that probably makes more sense in the GNUstep code somewhere, but I'm not sure where.  Please let me know if you would like me to commit that code somewhere as well.

Thank you!!

  ~ Adam Fox

> On Jan 7, 2020, at 2:49 PM, Fred Kiefer <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> thank you very much for providing this. It will cost me quite some time to look through your changes but I am happy to do so. You could have saved me some effort by providing these changes a bit earlier :-( Just a few days ago I took over your XIB loading changes from a probably outdated version of the code. As I also added a few extra features it should be worthwhile for you to have a look at that pull request (
> Best regards to Marcian, he really did a great work here.
> Fred
>> Am 07.01.2020 um 18:56 schrieb Adam Fox <address@hidden>:
>> Hello all -
>> We have published our changes to the following forks and we intend to use them exclusively going forward.
>> We have kept our changes on the same branch that we historically used on subversion called 'gnustep_testplant_branch'.
>> Please let us know if you would like us to create pull requests to get our changes into the appropriate branches on the official repositories.
>> Also, I just wanted to say a special and huge thank you to Marcian Lytwyn for all the contributions he has made!
>>  ~ Adam Fox
>> Adam Fox
>> Software Developer
>> Eggplant
>> M: 720 666 0368
>> Eggplant | Boulder, CO
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Gregory Casamento
GNUstep Lead Developer / OLC, Principal Consultant -

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