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Re: [gnutls-dev] TLS/PGP standard?

From: Nikos Mavroyanopoulos
Subject: Re: [gnutls-dev] TLS/PGP standard?
Date: Fri Mar 28 12:11:02 2003
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.3i

On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 02:09:28PM -0500, John Belmonte wrote:

> Hello,
> How do things look for PGP support being officially added to the TLS 
> specification?  I noticed that the most recent Draft expired last month.
> I am designing a new network application and would like to make use of this 
> feature, but am concerned that it will fail to become a standard.
Well I will continue submiting the draft, and the openpgp support from gnutls
isn't going anywhere. Whether it will be advanced to RFC status, is up to
the ietf-tls Working Group[0]. Usually drafts move to RFC status if there is
interest about them (in the WG mailing list). So you might want to forward your 
question to the Working Group's mailing list.


> Regards,
> -John Belmonte

Nikos Mavroyanopoulos

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